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Sixth IPU Regional seminar on violence against women



Sixth IPU Regional seminar on violence against women

As part of its programme to support parliaments in addressing all forms of violence against women, the IPU is organizing, with the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania, a seminar for East and Southern African Parliaments on preventing and responding to violence against women and girls.

The purpose of the seminar is to provide parliamentarians of the region with the elements of a comprehensive and multisectoral response to violence against women and girls and familiarize them with the components of legislation to effectively tackle this scourge.

Special emphasis will be placed on prevention and parliamentary mechanisms to secure effective enforcement of legislation, including parliament’s oversight and budgetary powers and ability to monitor and facilitate law enforcement. Parliamentarians of the region will be able to exchange experiences and know-how and ultimately identify what parliamentary action can be taken to ensure respect for the fundamental rights of women and girls, most notably their right to a life free of violence.

The seminar will take place from 5to7December 2012 in Dar es Salaam. The proceedings will be conducted in English. See attached pdfs for more information or visit
