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Submitted by iKNOW Politics on
April 1, 2014

What if women ruled the world?

What if women ruled the world? A simple question asked by Dee Dee Myers, the former White House press secretary.

How would our world look if women would translate the policies into reality and manage the public programs?

Janet Napolitano, US Secretary of Homeland Security
Condoleezza Rice, Former Secretary of State
Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland
Christine Lagarde, MD of the International Monetary Fund
Cathy L. Lanier, Chief of the Police of the District of Columbia
Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile
Swanee Grace Hunt, Eleanor Roosevelt Lecturer in Public Policy, at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government
Shirley Ann Jackson, President of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Copyright: BBC World News
Research: Claire Beckenstein and Laura Gray
Produced and directed: Natatie Morton
Series producer: Ian Rose
Executive producer: Richard Pattinson

Resource type

What if women ruled the world? A simple question asked by Dee Dee Myers, the former White House press secretary.

How would our world look if women would translate the policies into reality and manage the public programs?

Janet Napolitano, US Secretary of Homeland Security
Condoleezza Rice, Former Secretary of State
Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland
Christine Lagarde, MD of the International Monetary Fund
Cathy L. Lanier, Chief of the Police of the District of Columbia
Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile
Swanee Grace Hunt, Eleanor Roosevelt Lecturer in Public Policy, at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government
Shirley Ann Jackson, President of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Copyright: BBC World News
Research: Claire Beckenstein and Laura Gray
Produced and directed: Natatie Morton
Series producer: Ian Rose
Executive producer: Richard Pattinson

Resource type