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ParlTools: A new platform by ParlAmericas and UN Women dedicated to parliamentarians

Report / White Paper

January 31, 2018

ParlTools: A new platform by ParlAmericas and UN Women dedicated to parliamentarians

Source: ParlTools

Caribbean countries face complex development challenges shaped by socio-political, economic and environmental factors. These are experienced differently by women and men due to gender inequalities that intersect with variables like class, age, race and disability. Parliaments are responsible for ensuring that citizen interests are widely represented and for developing and monitoring policies. This includes policies to meet commitments like the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. To fulfill their roles of oversight, representation and lawmaking, parliamentarians require analytical tools that account for gender and other inequalities.

This portal features toolkits that unpack the gender dimensions of development challenges related to climate change, economic and political inequality, and violence. It includes videos, checklists, policy briefings, infographs and campaign ideas to assist you in scrutinizing laws and budgets, promoting women's leadership, and engaging your constituents to achieve development outcomes that are equitable and sustainable.

This portal is a joint initiative of ParlAmericas and the UN Women Multi-Country Office - Caribbean. It is designed for self-guided online learning and additionally includes resources that can be used for in-person trainings. It features toolkits on gender equality issues developed for parliamentarians in the Caribbean.

Click here to visit the portal. 

Resource type
UN Women

Caribbean countries face complex development challenges shaped by socio-political, economic and environmental factors. These are experienced differently by women and men due to gender inequalities that intersect with variables like class, age, race and disability. Parliaments are responsible for ensuring that citizen interests are widely represented and for developing and monitoring policies. This includes policies to meet commitments like the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. To fulfill their roles of oversight, representation and lawmaking, parliamentarians require analytical tools that account for gender and other inequalities.

This portal features toolkits that unpack the gender dimensions of development challenges related to climate change, economic and political inequality, and violence. It includes videos, checklists, policy briefings, infographs and campaign ideas to assist you in scrutinizing laws and budgets, promoting women's leadership, and engaging your constituents to achieve development outcomes that are equitable and sustainable.

This portal is a joint initiative of ParlAmericas and the UN Women Multi-Country Office - Caribbean. It is designed for self-guided online learning and additionally includes resources that can be used for in-person trainings. It features toolkits on gender equality issues developed for parliamentarians in the Caribbean.

Click here to visit the portal. 

Resource type
UN Women