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The reasons behind Temer's white men-only government in Brazil

World News

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The reasons behind Temer's white men-only government in Brazil


New article published in The Atlantic explores the reasons behind Michel Temer’s decision to establish a white men only government in Brazil. The fact that the new government of Brazil is only made up by white men caused many commentators to question its legitimacy, particularly due to Brazil’s exceptional diversity. Marina Koren, the journalist who writes the article published in The Atlantic, remembers that Temer aides said that this homogeneity in Brazil’s new government is explained because it was selected quickly from parties that would support Temer. Follow this link to access the article. 


New article published in The Atlantic explores the reasons behind Michel Temer’s decision to establish a white men only government in Brazil. The fact that the new government of Brazil is only made up by white men caused many commentators to question its legitimacy, particularly due to Brazil’s exceptional diversity. Marina Koren, the journalist who writes the article published in The Atlantic, remembers that Temer aides said that this homogeneity in Brazil’s new government is explained because it was selected quickly from parties that would support Temer. Follow this link to access the article. 
