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Egypt: Women Demand Greater Role in Government

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Egypt: Women Demand Greater Role in Government


As Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf reshuffles his cabinet, trying to placate the boiling Egyptian street with a more representative government, women have started to speak up, demanding greater representation in politics.

Sharaf reshuffled 14 ministers in his cabinet Sunday, replacing ministers of finance and foreign affairs, but retaining the controversial interior and justice ministers. Women's organizations contend that with only one woman is in the new cabinet, International Cooperation and Planning Minister Fayza Aboul-Naga, the new government is far from egalitarian.

Read the whole article at The Mid East News Source

As Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf reshuffles his cabinet, trying to placate the boiling Egyptian street with a more representative government, women have started to speak up, demanding greater representation in politics.

Sharaf reshuffled 14 ministers in his cabinet Sunday, replacing ministers of finance and foreign affairs, but retaining the controversial interior and justice ministers. Women's organizations contend that with only one woman is in the new cabinet, International Cooperation and Planning Minister Fayza Aboul-Naga, the new government is far from egalitarian.

Read the whole article at The Mid East News Source

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