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World News

Women Crucial to Cleaner Politics in Indonesia, Politicians and Experts Say

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Women Crucial to Cleaner Politics in Indonesia, Politicians and Experts Say


While several female politicians, including former legislator Angelina Sondakh, have been embroiled in graft cases recently, politicians and experts are upbeat that an increased number of women in the House of Representatives will boost the legislature’s performance and standing. 

Women account for 18 percent of legislators, holding 101 of 560 seats after the 2009 legislative election. That figure is up from 61 out of 550 seats after the 2004 election, but is still well short of the government’s target of 30 percent women’s representation in the House. 



While several female politicians, including former legislator Angelina Sondakh, have been embroiled in graft cases recently, politicians and experts are upbeat that an increased number of women in the House of Representatives will boost the legislature’s performance and standing. 

Women account for 18 percent of legislators, holding 101 of 560 seats after the 2009 legislative election. That figure is up from 61 out of 550 seats after the 2004 election, but is still well short of the government’s target of 30 percent women’s representation in the House. 



World News

Caucus wants more women in politics, Indonesia

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Caucus wants more women in politics, Indonesia


The Indonesian Women’s Caucus for Politics (KPPI) in Bali has started a movement for the greater representation of women in the legislature for the 2014 general elections. 

The caucus will push political parties for a minimum of 30 percent women representation in their organizational structures and in legislative candidacies in next year’s election. 


(We invite our users to read the full article published March 9 2013 by the Jakarta Post)

The Indonesian Women’s Caucus for Politics (KPPI) in Bali has started a movement for the greater representation of women in the legislature for the 2014 general elections. 

The caucus will push political parties for a minimum of 30 percent women representation in their organizational structures and in legislative candidacies in next year’s election. 


(We invite our users to read the full article published March 9 2013 by the Jakarta Post)

World News

Indonesia: Are quotas for women still relevant?

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Indonesia: Are quotas for women still relevant?


Constitutional law professor Yusril Ihza Mahendra has questioned the 30 percent quota for women in the Indonesian electoral system, doubting the legal foundation of the quota and expressing a desire for the Constitutional Court to repeal it.
Many women have defended the policy. The issue of quotas for women has provoked tough debate in Indonesia and in the world. Do we need such gender-biased policies?

(Read full article at: The Jakarata Post)

Constitutional law professor Yusril Ihza Mahendra has questioned the 30 percent quota for women in the Indonesian electoral system, doubting the legal foundation of the quota and expressing a desire for the Constitutional Court to repeal it.
Many women have defended the policy. The issue of quotas for women has provoked tough debate in Indonesia and in the world. Do we need such gender-biased policies?

(Read full article at: The Jakarata Post)

World News

Royal Norwegian Embassy Collaborates With The Asia Foundation to Advance Women's Participation in Indonesia Politics

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Royal Norwegian Embassy Collaborates With The Asia Foundation to Advance Women's Participation in Indonesia Politics


The Asia Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to Asia's development since 1954, announced today it has signed an agreement with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Indonesia for a three-year, $1.2 million program to increase women's political participation and strengthen good governance in Indonesia.
For more information, please visit Earth Times' Website.

The Asia Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to Asia's development since 1954, announced today it has signed an agreement with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Indonesia for a three-year, $1.2 million program to increase women's political participation and strengthen good governance in Indonesia.
For more information, please visit Earth Times' Website.

World News

Indonesia: Long Road for Women in Politics

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Indonesia: Long Road for Women in Politics


The Political Parties Law stipulates that 30 percent of the House of Representatives and the People's Representative Council should be female. But the reality is that only 11.27 percent of the House's 550 members are women.
To read the full article, please visit the Jakarta Post's Website.

The Political Parties Law stipulates that 30 percent of the House of Representatives and the People's Representative Council should be female. But the reality is that only 11.27 percent of the House's 550 members are women.
To read the full article, please visit the Jakarta Post's Website.

World News

Indonesia: Fight Against Poverty Focuses on Women

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Indonesia: Fight Against Poverty Focuses on Women


A new attitude toward the fight against poverty has seen three cities encourage public participation in policy-making and design budgets that embrace women and the underprivileged.
To read the full article, please visit The Jakarta Post .

A new attitude toward the fight against poverty has seen three cities encourage public participation in policy-making and design budgets that embrace women and the underprivileged.
To read the full article, please visit The Jakarta Post .

World News

Indonesia: Quota for Women the First Step

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Indonesia: Quota for Women the First Step


The government of Indonesia recently endorsed a law which states that all political parties should include a minimum of 30 percent of women among their candidates for members of parliament.
To read the full article, please visit The Jakarta Post .

The government of Indonesia recently endorsed a law which states that all political parties should include a minimum of 30 percent of women among their candidates for members of parliament.
To read the full article, please visit The Jakarta Post .

World News

Indonesia: UNIFEM Finland Supporting the Political Participation of Women in Aceh

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Indonesia: UNIFEM Finland Supporting the Political Participation of Women in Aceh


60 Acehnese power women, supported by a delegation of their "sisters" from Finland, took part in a seminar on political participation of women in Banda Aceh recently. The project funded by UNIFEM Finland culminated in a 2-day seminar, which gave the woman activists of the Aceh province an opportunity to discuss issues related to the upcoming local elections in 2009 and women's political participation in general.
To read the full article, please visit the Scandasia's Website.

60 Acehnese power women, supported by a delegation of their "sisters" from Finland, took part in a seminar on political participation of women in Banda Aceh recently. The project funded by UNIFEM Finland culminated in a 2-day seminar, which gave the woman activists of the Aceh province an opportunity to discuss issues related to the upcoming local elections in 2009 and women's political participation in general.
To read the full article, please visit the Scandasia's Website.