تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


Submitted by admin1 on
November 2, 2016

NDI's “Votes Without Violence” initiative

Electoral violence subverts basic standards for democratic elections, which are a cornerstone of democratic governance. The effects, or even merely the threat, of violence can undermine the legitimacy of electoral results and broader political processes. Violence against women in elections is a particular form of electoral violence, motivated by a desire to prevent women as women from participating in the electoral.  

نوع المصدر
Focus areas

Electoral violence subverts basic standards for democratic elections, which are a cornerstone of democratic governance. The effects, or even merely the threat, of violence can undermine the legitimacy of electoral results and broader political processes. Violence against women in elections is a particular form of electoral violence, motivated by a desire to prevent women as women from participating in the electoral.  

نوع المصدر
Focus areas