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Guide pratique de la candidate: Burkina Faso

Guide / Training Material

February 16, 2007

Guide pratique de la candidate: Burkina Faso

This guidebook was prepared to help political candidates in Burkina Faso run for municipal elections. It describes the stakes of decentralization in Burkina Faso, including the role of local people and collective territorial organizations in the decentralization process. It also offers recommendations on how to secure nomination by a party, finance a campaign, form a campaign team, and elaborate a campaign message and campaign program.

Type de ressource

This guidebook was prepared to help political candidates in Burkina Faso run for municipal elections. It describes the stakes of decentralization in Burkina Faso, including the role of local people and collective territorial organizations in the decentralization process. It also offers recommendations on how to secure nomination by a party, finance a campaign, form a campaign team, and elaborate a campaign message and campaign program.

Type de ressource

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