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Swedish Foreign Service action plan for feminist foreign policy 2015-2018 including focus areas for 2016

International Agreement and Action Plans

December 8, 2015

Swedish Foreign Service action plan for feminist foreign policy 2015-2018 including focus areas for 2016

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden has launched its ‘Swedish Foreign Service action plan for feminist foreign policy 2015-2018 including focus areas for 2016’. This plan departs from the idea that gender equality is an end in itself, but also something necessary to achieve the rest of the commitments assumed by the Swedish Government, including peace, security and sustainable development. The plan pretends to strengthen Swedish feminist foreign policy, in a context defined by the fact that thirty years after the World Conference on Women in Beijing, there are still many objectives to be fulfilled on gender equality and on the human rights of women and girls. In this sense, the foreign policy agenda is key for the implementation of a systematic gender mainstreaming strategy, constantly linking with peace and security measures. 


The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden has launched its ‘Swedish Foreign Service action plan for feminist foreign policy 2015-2018 including focus areas for 2016’. This plan departs from the idea that gender equality is an end in itself, but also something necessary to achieve the rest of the commitments assumed by the Swedish Government, including peace, security and sustainable development. The plan pretends to strengthen Swedish feminist foreign policy, in a context defined by the fact that thirty years after the World Conference on Women in Beijing, there are still many objectives to be fulfilled on gender equality and on the human rights of women and girls. In this sense, the foreign policy agenda is key for the implementation of a systematic gender mainstreaming strategy, constantly linking with peace and security measures. 
