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Zambia: Gender and women in Zambian politics

World News

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Zambia: Gender and women in Zambian politics


There were really two main reasons why I went into politics. The first was that I was struck by the expression "politics is a dirty game". If it really is, then that is something that has to be addressed, because development will have to come through politics. Secondly, I saw that educated, so-called elite people were not getting into politics. But for me, I thought that if I am going to be educated, I must be able to get into the game and make a difference.

To read the complete story please visit the Guardian.


There were really two main reasons why I went into politics. The first was that I was struck by the expression "politics is a dirty game". If it really is, then that is something that has to be addressed, because development will have to come through politics. Secondly, I saw that educated, so-called elite people were not getting into politics. But for me, I thought that if I am going to be educated, I must be able to get into the game and make a difference.

To read the complete story please visit the Guardian.
