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Binding measures and quotas are needed to change gender equality in politics

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Binding measures and quotas are needed to change gender equality in politics

Source: European Committee of the Regions

Regional and local leaders across the European Union, non-governmental organisations and researchers attending the European Committee of the Regions' (CoR) conference "Local and regional strategies for closing the gender gap in politics: Roads taken and what´s next?" call on decision-makers to introduce concrete solutions like quotas or parity requirements to achieve gender equality in political representation. The introduction of such instruments should be seen not only as respect for women's rights, but also to ensure equal opportunities for democratic participation in political life at all levels. The conference cited positive examples from Finland, France and other countries that have helped close the gender gap in politics, and highlighted the need to apply gender mainstreaming for better policymaking.

Click here to read the full article published by the European Committee of the Regions on 25 October 2023.


Regional and local leaders across the European Union, non-governmental organisations and researchers attending the European Committee of the Regions' (CoR) conference "Local and regional strategies for closing the gender gap in politics: Roads taken and what´s next?" call on decision-makers to introduce concrete solutions like quotas or parity requirements to achieve gender equality in political representation. The introduction of such instruments should be seen not only as respect for women's rights, but also to ensure equal opportunities for democratic participation in political life at all levels. The conference cited positive examples from Finland, France and other countries that have helped close the gender gap in politics, and highlighted the need to apply gender mainstreaming for better policymaking.

Click here to read the full article published by the European Committee of the Regions on 25 October 2023.
