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Europe and the CIS

World News

Lucy Powell-British Member of Parliament: We need to have even more women entering politics

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Lucy Powell-British Member of Parliament: We need to have even more women entering politics


Women in politics is high on the agenda this week after David Cameron's reshuffle which his own spin doctors rather unfortunately dubbed a ‘catwalk reshuffle’.

More women ministers is a welcome development but with just half as many women in his cabinet as Tony Blair did seven years ago, the PM still has some catching up to do.

Women in politics is high on the agenda this week after David Cameron's reshuffle which his own spin doctors rather unfortunately dubbed a ‘catwalk reshuffle’.

More women ministers is a welcome development but with just half as many women in his cabinet as Tony Blair did seven years ago, the PM still has some catching up to do.

World News

We must protect the victims of FGM, says Theresa May

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We must protect the victims of FGM, says Theresa May


Theresa May has said it was "crucial" that the Government "do more" to end female genital mutilation as she announced a raft of changes to tackle the practice in Britain.

The Home Secretary told the Girl Summit 2014 in London she had decided to set up a national prevention programme because "one girl subjected to FGM or forces to marry is one girl too many."

Theresa May has said it was "crucial" that the Government "do more" to end female genital mutilation as she announced a raft of changes to tackle the practice in Britain.

The Home Secretary told the Girl Summit 2014 in London she had decided to set up a national prevention programme because "one girl subjected to FGM or forces to marry is one girl too many."

World News

Minister Věra Jourová nominated for Czech EU commissioner

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Minister Věra Jourová nominated for Czech EU commissioner


The Czech coalition parties have nominated Regional Development Minister Věra Jourová as the country’s candidate for the European Commission. The Czech government hopes she could take over one of the economic portfolios in the commission. Ms Jourová, of the ANO party, meanwhile, has vowed to raise the EU’s prestige with Czechs.

We invite our users to read the full article published on July 21st 2014.

The Czech coalition parties have nominated Regional Development Minister Věra Jourová as the country’s candidate for the European Commission. The Czech government hopes she could take over one of the economic portfolios in the commission. Ms Jourová, of the ANO party, meanwhile, has vowed to raise the EU’s prestige with Czechs.

We invite our users to read the full article published on July 21st 2014.

World News

Serbia improves position of women in politics

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Serbia improves position of women in politics


Women are taking an increasingly active role as decision-makers in Serbian politics, but some bloggers say more steps should be taken to ensure greater participation at the highest levels of government.

While there were virtually no women in politics in Serbia in the recent past, the situation changed since the democratic changes in 2000 that culminated with the passage in 2011 of the country's election law, which stipulates women must constitute 30 percent of Serbia's parliament.

At present, women constitute 33 percent of MPs.

Women are taking an increasingly active role as decision-makers in Serbian politics, but some bloggers say more steps should be taken to ensure greater participation at the highest levels of government.

While there were virtually no women in politics in Serbia in the recent past, the situation changed since the democratic changes in 2000 that culminated with the passage in 2011 of the country's election law, which stipulates women must constitute 30 percent of Serbia's parliament.

At present, women constitute 33 percent of MPs.

Gabrielle Bardall


Gabrielle Bardall is an academic and an electoral assistance expert with a decade of experience supporting electoral processes in transitional states. She has worked in more than 25 countries with international organizations including UNDP, UN Women, DPKO, IFES, DRI, Carter Center and others.

World News

Esther McVey: Glamorous female ministers will inspire young girls into politics

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Esther McVey: Glamorous female ministers will inspire young girls into politics


Watching glamorous women walk through the doors of No 10 will inspire a whole new generation of young girls to become politicians, Esther McVey has said.

The jobs minister said that seeing new female ministers walk "the catwalk" of Downing Street and through the famous black door will enable young women to imagine themselves doing the same thing.

Watching glamorous women walk through the doors of No 10 will inspire a whole new generation of young girls to become politicians, Esther McVey has said.

The jobs minister said that seeing new female ministers walk "the catwalk" of Downing Street and through the famous black door will enable young women to imagine themselves doing the same thing.

World News

Women in parliament: Britain has ‘real problem’ with lack of female MPs as report and cabinet reshuffle put gender in the spotlight

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Women in parliament: Britain has ‘real problem’ with lack of female MPs as report and cabinet reshuffle put gender in the spotlight


With the role of women in British politics again coming under the spotlight this week, MPs and former ministers have warned that there is a “real problem” with the issue of gender in Westminster.

David Cameron is expected to reveal a major Cabinet reshuffle tomorrow with younger women promoted to senior roles in place of aging men, but Labour says it is an effort that comes so late as to seem like a “last-minute worry about votes”.

With the role of women in British politics again coming under the spotlight this week, MPs and former ministers have warned that there is a “real problem” with the issue of gender in Westminster.

David Cameron is expected to reveal a major Cabinet reshuffle tomorrow with younger women promoted to senior roles in place of aging men, but Labour says it is an effort that comes so late as to seem like a “last-minute worry about votes”.

World News

Female Commissioners wrote Juncker a letter: nominate “at least ten female Commissioners”

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Female Commissioners wrote Juncker a letter: nominate “at least ten female Commissioners”


Outgoing female Commissioners are “extremely concerned” for the possibility of women being under-represented in the next European Commission. This is why they wrote Juncker a letter for calling him to be committed into guaranteeing gender balance.

To read the full article published on July 10th 2014, please click here.

Outgoing female Commissioners are “extremely concerned” for the possibility of women being under-represented in the next European Commission. This is why they wrote Juncker a letter for calling him to be committed into guaranteeing gender balance.

To read the full article published on July 10th 2014, please click here.

World News

Grybauskaite discussed with the youth the reasons behind corruption

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Grybauskaite discussed with the youth the reasons behind corruption


President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite attended the opening ceremony of the Transparency International summer school against corruption and discussed with the youth about the reasons behind corruption and measures contributing to seek for greater transparency, informs LETA/ELTA.

We invite our users to read the full article published on July 8th 2014.


President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite attended the opening ceremony of the Transparency International summer school against corruption and discussed with the youth about the reasons behind corruption and measures contributing to seek for greater transparency, informs LETA/ELTA.

We invite our users to read the full article published on July 8th 2014.
