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The Choices We Face--Women Leaders in Humanitarian Work



The Choices We Face--Women Leaders in Humanitarian Work

Women’s Humanitarian Network Inaugural Launch
Deutsches Haus, Columbia University
Tuesday, May 1, 2007, 6-8 pm
A Panel Discussion -- “The Choices We Face: Women Leaders in Humanitarian Work”
Professor Elisabeth Lindenmayer
Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations
& Adjunct Professor at SIPA
Asha-Rose Migiro
Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations
Thoraya Obaid
Under Secretary General, Executive Director of United Nations Population Fund
Jane Holl Lute
Assistant Secretary General, Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Kathleen Cravero
Assistant Administrator and Director, Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery
Q & A
Wine and cheese reception to follow.
Women's Humanitarian Network
Columbia University School of International & Public Affairs
420 West 118th Street
New York NY 10027