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New Aid, Expanding Trade: What Do Women Have To Say?



New Aid, Expanding Trade: What Do Women Have To Say?

Location: Madrid, Spain
The aim of this year´s conference is to create a forum for constructive analysis of women´s rights today and perspectives for gender equality in the new global development and trade architecture.
The nature of international trade policies, regulation of financial flows and investment, as well as the nature of international development policies, have all changed profoundly in recent years. New international development architecture has developed from the international donor community´s shared commitments in the areas of trade, debt, investment and financing for development. However, while development and trade institutions are changing, structures of gender inequality are persisting. Despite multiple commitments, gender mainstreaming has not been put into practice throughout the world.
Gender experts and women´s organisations have expressed concern that these new aid modalities may even further sideline gender interests, shrink the spaces and resources available to gender equality advocates and undercut efforts towards women´s empowerment.
For more information, please visit WIDE Network's Website.