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Call for Papers: Women, Religion and Development



Call for Papers: Women, Religion and Development

The intention of this bilingual conference is to initiate dialogue among and between feminist scholars, development practitioners, policy-makers, civil society members, activists and academics, to address the interconnections and complexities concerning contested issues of religion, women and development.
The realities of interdependence and interconnectedness in the changing demographic landscape of the world, have not only created complex processes, but have also confronted women in all societies with unprecedented challenges regarding their personal, political, economic and social existence, ostensibly grounded in, stimulated by, and/or justified by religion.
Abstracts of up to 200 words are solicited from interested participants by September 10, 2007 and sent to Helene Boudreault, . Abstracts longer than 200 words, or arriving after September 10, 2007, will not be considered.
For more information, please visit WUNRN's Website.