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Afghan Women Detail Security Challenges in Afghanistan



Afghan Women Detail Security Challenges in Afghanistan

The Independent Women's Forum is honored to host a delegation of senior women leaders from Afghanistan. This rum, "Securing Afghanistan: The Role of Women," will give insight into the challenges Afghan women face and how Afghan women can contribute to a more secure Afghanistan.
Orzala Ashraf, Founder and Senior Advisor for Humanitarian Assistance for the Women and Children of Afghanistan
Shukria Barakzai, Member of Parliament, National Assembly, Afghanistan
Dr. Nadera Hayat Burhani, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Public Health,Afghanistan
Wazhma Frogh, Senior Gender Advisor, Canadian International Development Agency
Shahgul Rezaie, Member of Parliament, National Assembly, Afghanistan
For additional information on "Securing Afghanistan," or to schedule an interview with one of the experts, please contact Kate Pomeroy at or call to 202-631-6704.
The Independent Women's Forum is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) research and
educational institution. Founded in 1992, IWF focuses on issues of concern
to women, men, and families. Our mission is to rebuild civil society by
advancing economic liberty, personal responibility, and political freedom.
IWF builds support for a greater respect for limited governmnet, equality
under the law, property rights, free markets, strong families, and a
powerful and effective national defense and foreign policy. IWF is home to
some of the nation's most influential scholars--women who are committed to
promoting and defending economic opportunity and political freedom.
Contact: Kate Pomeroy
202-631-6704 or