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E-discussion on Achieving Sustainable Development



E-discussion on Achieving Sustainable Development

Experts, practitioners and policy-makers, from within and outside of the UN system, will interact within this online forum to share relevant experiences and generate practical input towards this year's AMR.
Hosted on MDGNet, the e-discussion will be held in two parts, as described in the background note:
1. Challenges countries face in integrating the goals of economic growth, social development and environmental protection.
2. Concrete policy initiatives that can help States to achieve sustainable development.
The aim is to develop recommendations to Member States to help strengthen their efforts to achieve sustainable development and to provide the intergovernmental process -- especially the Economic and Social Council -- with some constructive input on efforts it can undertake to promote sustainable development.
For more information, please visit UN ECOSOC's Website.
To subscribe to this eDiscussion before 3 February, kindly send a blank message to . If you wish to subscribe at any time after the discussion has launched on 4 February, please send an email to with the subject: subscription to eDiscussion on Achieving Sustainable Development.