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Metro New York Annual Walk to End Violence Against Women



Metro New York Annual Walk to End Violence Against Women

Join us for our annual walk to stop the violence against women. We know that at least one out of every three women globally will be beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime, with rates reaching 70 percent in some countries. Violence against women takes many forms including rape, female genital cutting, domestic violence, acid burning, dowry deaths, honor killings and other harmful practices. It is a global health crisis, human rights violation, and moral outrage that contribute to instability and insecurity throughout our world.

We are meeting at PD O’Hurleys for coffee at 9:30, and a pre-walk warm up with Greer St. John. Walkers will start walking at 10 am. Walkers are invited to have brunch together at the end of the walk.