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Submitted by iKNOW Politics on
April 14, 2010

Highlights from the launch of iKNOW Politics in Arabic

IKNOW Politics partners launched the site in Arabic in Amman, Jordan, opening it to millions of new users in a region where women are under-represented politically. Approximately 150 women leaders, political candidates, activists and representatives of women's organizations, primarily from the Middle East and North Africa attended the launch event of two days, which focused on the impact of media and information technology on the number and effectiveness of women in politics in the region. It was designed to initiate an ongoing dialogue that will be done by iKNOW Politics.

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IKNOW Politics partners launched the site in Arabic in Amman, Jordan, opening it to millions of new users in a region where women are under-represented politically. Approximately 150 women leaders, political candidates, activists and representatives of women's organizations, primarily from the Middle East and North Africa attended the launch event of two days, which focused on the impact of media and information technology on the number and effectiveness of women in politics in the region. It was designed to initiate an ongoing dialogue that will be done by iKNOW Politics.

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