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Gender, Citizenship and Governance



Gender, Citizenship and Governance

The information portal on Gender, citizenship and governance is an interdepartmental initiative. It is developed and managed by KIT Information and Library Services with support from KIT Development, Policy & Practice, area Social Development and Gender Equity. The target audience is formed by the global community of professionals (researchers, practitioners) involved in gender, citizenship and governance.

The information portal on Gender, citizenship and governance provides a unique entry point to free, full-text electronic publications, e-journals, e-newsletters, e-discussion groups and forums, websites, bibliographic databases, and directories of organizations and projects.

The portal brings together theoretical and practical perspectives on the interrelationships between gender, citizenship and governance. The information resources offered deal with the theory and practice of gender justice and citizenship, the responsiveness and accountability of governmental institutions to citizens, women in particular, and women’s capacity / ability to claim their rights. Themes addressed include political participation & representation, including quota's, decentralization & local government, women's rights, gender institutional mainstreaming, and gender-responsive budgeting.