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iKNOW Politics partners launch iKNOW Politics in the DRC on Septembre 19 .



iKNOW Politics partners launch iKNOW Politics in the DRC on Septembre 19 .

This meeting is about gathering together women politicians, women leaders and members of civil society to inform them about iKNOW Politics. It will be a space to inspire them with the experience of prominent women leaders and politician by using the testimonial video as a starting point for discussions.

The event will take place in Kinshasa, and women‘s networks will be encouraged to disseminate the information throughout the country, and national media will be invited, especially Radio Okapi.

 Women will be invited through several networks:

Political parties

iKNOW Politics Partners

Réseau pour les femmes pour les élections (Senator Eve)

Femmes Solidaire

Ligue pour les femmes leaders

Réseau pour les femmes en RDC 

 The audience will be:

100 female candidates, party leaders, elected representatives

Civil society leaders who may be political aspirants. 

50 Representatives of other international NGO’s and MONUSCO who are working on elections (ie : IFES, EISA, DAI),

Members of the diplomatic community, local and national media,

Presidents and Secretary generals of political parties (male and female),

Women’s civil society groups

Staff of iKNOW Politics Partners.


Director of Ceremonies: iKNOW Politics regional coordinator, Mariam Diallo Drame

 10:00 – 10:15 Introduction by local Partners

            - NDI Resident Director, Anita Vandenbeld

            - UNDP

            - UN Women

 10:15 – 10:30

            Viewing of the iKNOW Politics short testimonials film in French

 10:30 – 11:20

            - Statements and testimonials by a panel of senior female politicians

                        - Minister of women and children    (majority)

                        - Senator Eve Basaiba Masudi (majority)

                        - Mrs. Makoko, presidential candidate (centrist)

                        - Mrs. Tatcher, party leader (opposition)

                        - Mrs. Bisimwa or another MP (opposition)

 11:20 – 11:40

                        iKNOW Politics PowerPoint presentation – Mariam Diallo Drame

 11:40 – 12:20

                        Questions from the audience and from media regarding iKNOW Politics

 12:20 – 12:30

                        Closing remarks by iKNOW Politics partners

 12:30 – 14:00

                        Buffet lunch in the cafeteria

 14:00 – 17:00

Workshops for female candidates to practice navigating the iKNOW Politics website (conference room above the cafeteria, limited to 100 women in groups of five working on 20 laptop computers)

Trainers: Mariam Diallo Drame and Anita Vandenbeld

Facilitators: Local staff of Partners