Web course: Gender Mainstreaming in Result Oriented Monitoring of EU Development Projects
Gender equality is a principle, an objective and a task for the EU since its foundation in 1957 and is enshrined in the Treaty on European Union (Treaty of Lisbon, 2009).
Welcome to this online course on how to integrate a gender perspective in the Result Oriented Monitoring System (ROM system) of EU Development Cooperation. This course is based on the EU Commitments on Gender and Development and official documents like the Toolkit on Gender mainstreaming in EC Development Cooperation.
Gender equality is a principle, an objective and a task for the EU since its foundation in 1957 and is enshrined in the Treaty on European Union (Treaty of Lisbon, 2009).
Welcome to this online course on how to integrate a gender perspective in the Result Oriented Monitoring System (ROM system) of EU Development Cooperation. This course is based on the EU Commitments on Gender and Development and official documents like the Toolkit on Gender mainstreaming in EC Development Cooperation.