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Women’s political participation in electoral processes requires targeted support to overcome gender discrimination. Key strategies for enhancing gender balance in electoral processes include: working with political parties to promote gender sensitive policies and practices to foster women’s leadership; targeted outreach and support for women to register to vote and safely access polling stations; guarantee of protection from election related violence and harassment; the use of quotas and temporary special measures to increase women’s representation; effective technical and financial support to women candidates and political leaders; and engagement of male champions for women’s empowerment and gender equality.

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World News

Which countries in Europe have the highest proportion of women in parliament?

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Which countries in Europe have the highest proportion of women in parliament?


Do two of Europe's most recent elections signal a new trend on the continent?

Recent polls in Spain and Finland have seen both countries elect record proportions of women to their respective parliaments.

After a general election in Spain on Sunday, 164 women will now sit alongside 186 men in the country's Congress of Deputies.

Do two of Europe's most recent elections signal a new trend on the continent?

Recent polls in Spain and Finland have seen both countries elect record proportions of women to their respective parliaments.

After a general election in Spain on Sunday, 164 women will now sit alongside 186 men in the country's Congress of Deputies.

A hard truth in Indian politics: men feel threatened by women who are intelligent, single and independent

April 26, 2019

A hard truth in Indian politics: men feel threatened by women who are intelligent, single and independent

The odds are stacked heavily against women in politics. They are up against strong, entrenched and largely patriarchal lobbies in political parties.

The odds are stacked heavily against women in politics. They are up against strong, entrenched and largely patriarchal lobbies in political parties.

World News

Challenges and the way forward for women in politics in India

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Challenges and the way forward for women in politics in India


As India gears up for the world’s largest election process, one cannot help but think of some of the unfulfilled promises made when a young India emerged amongst the preeminent democracies of the world. Nearly 70 years since the enactment of our Constitution, the solemn vow in its Preamble to secure political justice and equality of opportunity remains only partially fulfilled.

As India gears up for the world’s largest election process, one cannot help but think of some of the unfulfilled promises made when a young India emerged amongst the preeminent democracies of the world. Nearly 70 years since the enactment of our Constitution, the solemn vow in its Preamble to secure political justice and equality of opportunity remains only partially fulfilled.

World News

Gender doesn't matter in Israeli elections, they said. New research proves different

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Gender doesn't matter in Israeli elections, they said. New research proves different


New election questionnaire finds women tend to lean to the left in the voting ballots, but when it comes to diplomacy and security, they're more hawkish than men.

Click here to read the full article published by Haaretz on 2 April 2019.

New election questionnaire finds women tend to lean to the left in the voting ballots, but when it comes to diplomacy and security, they're more hawkish than men.

Click here to read the full article published by Haaretz on 2 April 2019.

World News

Something is missing in the Israeli election: Women

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Something is missing in the Israeli election: Women


A male-dominated electoral campaign has highlighted how easily women are kept to the side in Israeli politics.

Politicians’ faces are everywhere. On billboards, on fliers, on television.

This Israeli election season, however, something is missing: women.

A male-dominated electoral campaign has highlighted how easily women are kept to the side in Israeli politics.

Politicians’ faces are everywhere. On billboards, on fliers, on television.

This Israeli election season, however, something is missing: women.

World News

Indonesia's had gender quotas in parliament for years - why aren't they working?

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Indonesia's had gender quotas in parliament for years - why aren't they working?


From her home in Jakarta, Permaswari Wardani proudly holds up an intricate hand-drawn comic.

It’s her humorous take on what she sees as the wrongs in Indonesian politics today.

The 38-year-old architect hopes the run of 5,000 copies – leading to donations – will help propel her to an upper house seat in her country’s parliament, within the week.

From her home in Jakarta, Permaswari Wardani proudly holds up an intricate hand-drawn comic.

It’s her humorous take on what she sees as the wrongs in Indonesian politics today.

The 38-year-old architect hopes the run of 5,000 copies – leading to donations – will help propel her to an upper house seat in her country’s parliament, within the week.

World News

Lori Lightfoot elected as Chicago’s first black female mayor

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Lori Lightfoot elected as Chicago’s first black female mayor


CHICAGO — Lori Lightfoot has made history on several fronts after winning Chicago’s mayoral runoff on Tuesday.

She will become the city’s first black woman and its first openly gay person to hold the office when sworn in next month. The nation’s three largest cities have never elected a black woman as mayor — the other two, New York and Los Angeles, have never even had a female mayor — and none of the three cities has ever elected an openly gay person to the job.

CHICAGO — Lori Lightfoot has made history on several fronts after winning Chicago’s mayoral runoff on Tuesday.

She will become the city’s first black woman and its first openly gay person to hold the office when sworn in next month. The nation’s three largest cities have never elected a black woman as mayor — the other two, New York and Los Angeles, have never even had a female mayor — and none of the three cities has ever elected an openly gay person to the job.

World News

Slovakia's 'Erin Brockovich' elected first female president, in rebuke of populism

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Slovakia's 'Erin Brockovich' elected first female president, in rebuke of populism


When Slovakia's newly elected President Zuzana Caputova -- the country's first ever female head of state -- delivered her acceptance speech on Saturday she immediately set herself apart from the wave of populist parties sweeping Europe.

The 45-year-old liberal lawyer thanked voters not just in Slovak -- but in Hungarian, Czech, Roma and Ruthenian -- in a show of unity with the nation's minority groups and rejection of the nationalist rhetoric popular in some neighboring countries.

When Slovakia's newly elected President Zuzana Caputova -- the country's first ever female head of state -- delivered her acceptance speech on Saturday she immediately set herself apart from the wave of populist parties sweeping Europe.

The 45-year-old liberal lawyer thanked voters not just in Slovak -- but in Hungarian, Czech, Roma and Ruthenian -- in a show of unity with the nation's minority groups and rejection of the nationalist rhetoric popular in some neighboring countries.