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Women’s political participation in electoral processes requires targeted support to overcome gender discrimination. Key strategies for enhancing gender balance in electoral processes include: working with political parties to promote gender sensitive policies and practices to foster women’s leadership; targeted outreach and support for women to register to vote and safely access polling stations; guarantee of protection from election related violence and harassment; the use of quotas and temporary special measures to increase women’s representation; effective technical and financial support to women candidates and political leaders; and engagement of male champions for women’s empowerment and gender equality.

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Women's experiences during the 2018 general elections in Zimbabwe

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January 24, 2019

Women's experiences during the 2018 general elections in Zimbabwe

Documentary with testimonies of women candidates, citizens, and other actors about their experiences in the 2018 election in Zimbabwe produced by The&

Documentary with testimonies of women candidates, citizens, and other actors about their experiences in the 2018 election in Zimbabwe produced by The&

World News

Kamala Harris joins Democratic presidential field

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Kamala Harris joins Democratic presidential field


Senator Kamala Harris, the California Democrat and barrier-breaking prosecutor who became the second black woman to serve in the United States Senate, declared her candidacy for president on Monday, joining an increasingly crowded and diverse field in what promises to be a wide-open nomination process.

Senator Kamala Harris, the California Democrat and barrier-breaking prosecutor who became the second black woman to serve in the United States Senate, declared her candidacy for president on Monday, joining an increasingly crowded and diverse field in what promises to be a wide-open nomination process.

Why rules and systems matter: lessons from around the world

January 18, 2019

Why rules and systems matter: lessons from around the world

This Represent Women's report explores how rules and systems, particularly gender quotas and proportional representation systems, have helped nations around the world sustain progress toward gender parity in elected office.

This Represent Women's report explores how rules and systems, particularly gender quotas and proportional representation systems, have helped nations around the world sustain progress toward gender parity in elected office.

World News

It’s official: Nancy Pelosi is elected speaker of the House

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It’s official: Nancy Pelosi is elected speaker of the House


Nancy Pelosi is officially House speaker. And in being sworn in, she’s making history for the second time.

Nancy Pelosi is officially House speaker. And in being sworn in, she’s making history for the second time.

World News

India: Women voters will significantly impact the outcome of elections

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India: Women voters will significantly impact the outcome of elections


“The gradual emergence of women as an electoral power is an encouraging development for Indian democracy,” say Kanta Singh and Vrinda Handa.

The recently concluded elections for State Assemblies present similar trends witnessed earlier in terms of voter turnout. Not only more people voted this time but the number of female voters increased by 1-4 per cent.

Key Takeaways:

“The gradual emergence of women as an electoral power is an encouraging development for Indian democracy,” say Kanta Singh and Vrinda Handa.

The recently concluded elections for State Assemblies present similar trends witnessed earlier in terms of voter turnout. Not only more people voted this time but the number of female voters increased by 1-4 per cent.

Key Takeaways:

World News

From New Zealand to Saudi Arabia: When women won the vote worldwide

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From New Zealand to Saudi Arabia: When women won the vote worldwide


The Representation of People Act 1918 granted the vote to Irish and English women aged over 30 who met certain property qualifications.

While some nations had extended that right to women earlier, other countries, in Europe as well as elsewhere, did not allow women to vote until much later into the 20th century.

New Zealand: First nation to grant female suffrage, in 1893, to all adult women.

The Representation of People Act 1918 granted the vote to Irish and English women aged over 30 who met certain property qualifications.

While some nations had extended that right to women earlier, other countries, in Europe as well as elsewhere, did not allow women to vote until much later into the 20th century.

New Zealand: First nation to grant female suffrage, in 1893, to all adult women.

World News

DRC Elections—Will Congolese women have a fair chance?

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DRC Elections—Will Congolese women have a fair chance?


“The forthcoming elections is a decisive turning point for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), because if we really do have these elections despite the fact that it has long dragged out, it will be the first democratic transition ever in the DRC”  –Justine Masika Bihamba, founder of Synergie des femmes pour les victimes des violences sexuelles (Synergie of Women for Victims of Sexual Violence; SFVS), a member of the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP).

“The forthcoming elections is a decisive turning point for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), because if we really do have these elections despite the fact that it has long dragged out, it will be the first democratic transition ever in the DRC”  –Justine Masika Bihamba, founder of Synergie des femmes pour les victimes des violences sexuelles (Synergie of Women for Victims of Sexual Violence; SFVS), a member of the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP).

World News

Nigeria: UN Women and UNDP launch awareness programme to prevent violence against women

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Nigeria: UN Women and UNDP launch awareness programme to prevent violence against women


United Nation Women and United Nations Development programme (UNDP) on Monday launched a programme guide to prevent violence against women in the 2019 general elections.

The launch which was organised by UN Women and UNDP took place in Abuja.

Ms Comfort Lamptey, UN Women Representative to Nigeria and ECOWAS, said that the launch included 16 days of activism to end violence against women and girls.

United Nation Women and United Nations Development programme (UNDP) on Monday launched a programme guide to prevent violence against women in the 2019 general elections.

The launch which was organised by UN Women and UNDP took place in Abuja.

Ms Comfort Lamptey, UN Women Representative to Nigeria and ECOWAS, said that the launch included 16 days of activism to end violence against women and girls.