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Women’s political participation in electoral processes requires targeted support to overcome gender discrimination. Key strategies for enhancing gender balance in electoral processes include: working with political parties to promote gender sensitive policies and practices to foster women’s leadership; targeted outreach and support for women to register to vote and safely access polling stations; guarantee of protection from election related violence and harassment; the use of quotas and temporary special measures to increase women’s representation; effective technical and financial support to women candidates and political leaders; and engagement of male champions for women’s empowerment and gender equality.

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World News

Court ruling raises hopes among Kenyan women for more political representation

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Court ruling raises hopes among Kenyan women for more political representation


NAIROBI, Sept 7 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Buoyed by record gains in last month's elections, Kenyan activists say they hope the nation's top court will enforce women's right to better political representation, following a surprise decision to nullify the presidential election.

NAIROBI, Sept 7 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Buoyed by record gains in last month's elections, Kenyan activists say they hope the nation's top court will enforce women's right to better political representation, following a surprise decision to nullify the presidential election.

World News

Women fight for political relevance in Zimbabwe

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Women fight for political relevance in Zimbabwe


Women in Mutare have added their voices on the growing calls for women to register and vote for female candidates in the forthcoming elections.

Women in Mutare have added their voices on the growing calls for women to register and vote for female candidates in the forthcoming elections.

World News

Women experience in elections ‘positive’ overall, says SIGI

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Women experience in elections ‘positive’ overall, says SIGI


AMMAN –– The overall experience of women in the latest elections, whether as voters or candidates, was “positive”, despite some shortcomings related to legal loopholes, according to a coalition tasked with monitoring the elections from a gender perspective.

AMMAN –– The overall experience of women in the latest elections, whether as voters or candidates, was “positive”, despite some shortcomings related to legal loopholes, according to a coalition tasked with monitoring the elections from a gender perspective.

World News

Liberia elections: Making 2017 count for women

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Liberia elections: Making 2017 count for women


In October 2017, Liberians will head to the polls to vote, as President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Africa’s first elected female Head of State, completes her second and final term tenure this year.

In October 2017, Liberians will head to the polls to vote, as President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Africa’s first elected female Head of State, completes her second and final term tenure this year.

World News

Seattle poised to elect first woman mayor since 1926: Durkan, Moon and Oliver lead the pack

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Seattle poised to elect first woman mayor since 1926: Durkan, Moon and Oliver lead the pack


Seattle last elected a woman as chief executive in 1926. Bertha Knight Landes was the first woman to lead a major U.S. city, occupying the mayor’s office for two years after having served as president of the City Council.

Seattle last elected a woman as chief executive in 1926. Bertha Knight Landes was the first woman to lead a major U.S. city, occupying the mayor’s office for two years after having served as president of the City Council.

UNDP Online Course on Enhancing Women’s Participation Throughout the Electoral Cycle

August 3, 2017

UNDP Online Course on Enhancing Women’s Participation Throughout the Electoral Cycle

Promoting the equal political participation of women is a key aspect of achieving inclusive and sustainable human development and achieving the targets set in the 2030 Agenda.

Promoting the equal political participation of women is a key aspect of achieving inclusive and sustainable human development and achieving the targets set in the 2030 Agenda.

World News

In Kenya, women gear up for county elections

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In Kenya, women gear up for county elections


Abdia Gole, 33, is a recent graduate of Business Management from one of the leading universities in Kenya, and a candidate for the upcoming County Assembly elections for Gorbo Ward, Marsabit County, in Northern Kenya. “I am going door to door, campaigning to urge women and youth to vote for me.

Abdia Gole, 33, is a recent graduate of Business Management from one of the leading universities in Kenya, and a candidate for the upcoming County Assembly elections for Gorbo Ward, Marsabit County, in Northern Kenya. “I am going door to door, campaigning to urge women and youth to vote for me.

Proceedings Report of the “Gender and Electoral Reform: Making A Difference” Conference in Malaysia

July 6, 2017

Proceedings Report of the “Gender and Electoral Reform: Making A Difference” Conference in Malaysia