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Parliaments & Representatives

Women make up only 23.5% of Members of Parliament according to the latest available data of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. While significant strides in women’s political participation have been made since the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action in 1995, which set Member States’ target of achieving gender balance in political decision-making, women are still underrepresented in political decision-making at all levels and gender balance remains an aspirational goal.  Gains in women’s participation have been notable in countries that have taken proactive steps to support women’s political participation, including reforming or amending discriminatory laws, taking concrete action to address violence against women in politics and gender discrimination within parliaments, addressing gender-specific barriers, and supporting women in all forms of decision-making including at local level and in executive government.

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World News

Women who serve in political office are pushing for more women to get involved

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Women who serve in political office are pushing for more women to get involved


A town hall Tuesday night featuring women in politics had a clear message: More women need to get involved from running for elective office to helping candidates get elected.

“We know women are underrepresented in public leadership roles in Missouri, Kansas, and across the country,” said Claire Bishop, Executive Director and COO of American Public Square at Jewell.

A town hall Tuesday night featuring women in politics had a clear message: More women need to get involved from running for elective office to helping candidates get elected.

“We know women are underrepresented in public leadership roles in Missouri, Kansas, and across the country,” said Claire Bishop, Executive Director and COO of American Public Square at Jewell.

World News

Economic woes driving women from politics: WAG

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Economic woes driving women from politics: WAG


WOMEN Action Group (WAG) says economic challenges and cyberbullying are deterring women from actively participating in political and electoral processes.

Speaking during WAG’s 40th anniversary celebration in Harare yesterday, WAG executive director Edinah Masiyiwa, said there were still many challenges militating against women’s full enjoyment of their rights.

WOMEN Action Group (WAG) says economic challenges and cyberbullying are deterring women from actively participating in political and electoral processes.

Speaking during WAG’s 40th anniversary celebration in Harare yesterday, WAG executive director Edinah Masiyiwa, said there were still many challenges militating against women’s full enjoyment of their rights.

World News

First female political prisoner in Saied's Tunisia, Chaima Issa, is free

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First female political prisoner in Saied's Tunisia, Chaima Issa, is free


Chaima Isaa, the first female political prisoner in Saied's Tunisia, was finally liberated after spending more than five months in jail but expressed concern about fellow activists still behind bars.

Late on Thursday night, 13 July, writer Chaima Issa, a member of the main opposition coalition, the National Salvation Front, exited Manouba's women's Prison gate under cheers from relatives, supporters and family members of jailed activists.

Chaima Isaa, the first female political prisoner in Saied's Tunisia, was finally liberated after spending more than five months in jail but expressed concern about fellow activists still behind bars.

Late on Thursday night, 13 July, writer Chaima Issa, a member of the main opposition coalition, the National Salvation Front, exited Manouba's women's Prison gate under cheers from relatives, supporters and family members of jailed activists.

World News

ZESN urges society to end violence against women in politics

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ZESN urges society to end violence against women in politics


Zimbabwe Elections Support Network (ZESN)’s Senior Advocacy for Electoral Reform Officer, Heather Koga, has emphasized the need for society and the state to recognize violence against women during election periods as a pressing societal issue that must be prevented and not dismissed as a personal matter.

Zimbabwe Elections Support Network (ZESN)’s Senior Advocacy for Electoral Reform Officer, Heather Koga, has emphasized the need for society and the state to recognize violence against women during election periods as a pressing societal issue that must be prevented and not dismissed as a personal matter.

Liberia: protection of female politicians paramount for free, fair elections

July 14, 2023

Liberia: protection of female politicians paramount for free, fair elections

The promotion of inclusive political participation and the elimination of violence against women in politics are paramount to ensuring that every candidate has fair and equal conditions in an electoral process — as these go a long way in bringing credibility, transpar

The promotion of inclusive political participation and the elimination of violence against women in politics are paramount to ensuring that every candidate has fair and equal conditions in an electoral process — as these go a long way in bringing credibility, transpar

World News

Netherlands: another prominent woman quits national politics over "ugly" atmosphere; more concerns raised

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Netherlands: another prominent woman quits national politics over "ugly" atmosphere; more concerns raised


Women in politics with children not prioritised, says Bethan Sayed

July 11, 2023

Women in politics with children not prioritised, says Bethan Sayed

Working in politics is unhealthy and almost impossible for women with children, a former MP claimed.

Working in politics is unhealthy and almost impossible for women with children, a former MP claimed.

Affirmative action for women in politics

July 11, 2023

Affirmative action for women in politics

Which country ever short-changes itself the way Nigeria does? We approach every major election by constructively eliminating more than 50% of our potent population (women) from the contest.

Which country ever short-changes itself the way Nigeria does? We approach every major election by constructively eliminating more than 50% of our potent population (women) from the contest.
