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Parliaments & Representatives

Women make up only 23.5% of Members of Parliament according to the latest available data of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. While significant strides in women’s political participation have been made since the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action in 1995, which set Member States’ target of achieving gender balance in political decision-making, women are still underrepresented in political decision-making at all levels and gender balance remains an aspirational goal.  Gains in women’s participation have been notable in countries that have taken proactive steps to support women’s political participation, including reforming or amending discriminatory laws, taking concrete action to address violence against women in politics and gender discrimination within parliaments, addressing gender-specific barriers, and supporting women in all forms of decision-making including at local level and in executive government.

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World News

New Chancellor appoints Germany’s first gender-equal cabinet

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New Chancellor appoints Germany’s first gender-equal cabinet


Germany’s new government will have more women in its cabinet than ever before, with incoming Chancellor Olaf Scholz appointing 8 women and 8 men as ministers.

Germany’s new government will have more women in its cabinet than ever before, with incoming Chancellor Olaf Scholz appointing 8 women and 8 men as ministers.

World News

World News

Gender and family affairs hosts Women United in politics forum

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Gender and family affairs hosts Women United in politics forum


Present and former female Parliamentarians (House of Assembly and the Senate) from across the political spectrum, leaders of female Non-Governmental Organizations and advocacy groups – including representatives from the community of persons with disabilities – women in service, women in governance, and other partners and stakeholders, participated in the 2021 Women United in Politics Hybrid Forum held Friday (November 12).

Present and former female Parliamentarians (House of Assembly and the Senate) from across the political spectrum, leaders of female Non-Governmental Organizations and advocacy groups – including representatives from the community of persons with disabilities – women in service, women in governance, and other partners and stakeholders, participated in the 2021 Women United in Politics Hybrid Forum held Friday (November 12).

World News

Jordan has ‘crystal-clear’ decision to support women’s political participation

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Jordan has ‘crystal-clear’ decision to support women’s political participation


Jordan has a “crystal-clear” political decision to support women’s participation in political life, notably their representation in Parliament, Culture Minister Haifa Najjar said on Sunday.

During the launch of a field study implemented by the Arab Women Parliamentarians Network for Equality "Ra'edat", ("Pioneers" in English), Najjar said that this orientation is in line with the output of the Royal Committee to Modernise the Political System, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.

Jordan has a “crystal-clear” political decision to support women’s participation in political life, notably their representation in Parliament, Culture Minister Haifa Najjar said on Sunday.

During the launch of a field study implemented by the Arab Women Parliamentarians Network for Equality "Ra'edat", ("Pioneers" in English), Najjar said that this orientation is in line with the output of the Royal Committee to Modernise the Political System, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.

World News

Women MP’s of Sri Lanka parliament call for action to prevent verbal harassment from male colleagues

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Women MP’s of Sri Lanka parliament call for action to prevent verbal harassment from male colleagues


Chairperson of the Women Parliamentarians’ Caucus (WPC) in Sri Lanka parliament, Dr. Sudarshini Fernandopulle, State Minister of Primary Health Care, Epidemics and COVID Disease Control has written to the Speaker of Parliament to take steps to prevent verbal harassment of female members by their male colleagues.

Chairperson of the Women Parliamentarians’ Caucus (WPC) in Sri Lanka parliament, Dr. Sudarshini Fernandopulle, State Minister of Primary Health Care, Epidemics and COVID Disease Control has written to the Speaker of Parliament to take steps to prevent verbal harassment of female members by their male colleagues.

World News

Shining a light on sexism against women in African parliaments through art

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Shining a light on sexism against women in African parliaments through art


In light of the significance of the recent report, Sexism, harassment and violence against women in parliaments in Africa, the IPU commissioned a talented artist to help visually portray the extent of this scourge in legislatures across the continent.

In light of the significance of the recent report, Sexism, harassment and violence against women in parliaments in Africa, the IPU commissioned a talented artist to help visually portray the extent of this scourge in legislatures across the continent.

World News

Advocates worry online misogyny will keep women out of office

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Advocates worry online misogyny will keep women out of office


Advocates are worried that rising online misogyny will leave more women unwilling to run for office, a concern highlighted by a video posted by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) showing him killing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).

Although Gosar’s video, which used an edited clip from the anime show “Attack on Titan,” targeted a member of Congress, critics warn the amplification of such content via mainstream social media can dissuade women from participating in politics at all levels.

Advocates are worried that rising online misogyny will leave more women unwilling to run for office, a concern highlighted by a video posted by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) showing him killing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).

Although Gosar’s video, which used an edited clip from the anime show “Attack on Titan,” targeted a member of Congress, critics warn the amplification of such content via mainstream social media can dissuade women from participating in politics at all levels.

World News

Sweden's first female PM resigns hours after appointment

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Sweden's first female PM resigns hours after appointment


Sweden's first ever female prime minister has resigned just hours after she was appointed. Magdalena Andersson, was announced as leader on Wednesday but resigned after her coalition partner quit the government and her budget failed to pass.

Sweden's first ever female prime minister has resigned just hours after she was appointed. Magdalena Andersson, was announced as leader on Wednesday but resigned after her coalition partner quit the government and her budget failed to pass.