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Parliaments & Representatives

Women make up only 23.5% of Members of Parliament according to the latest available data of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. While significant strides in women’s political participation have been made since the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action in 1995, which set Member States’ target of achieving gender balance in political decision-making, women are still underrepresented in political decision-making at all levels and gender balance remains an aspirational goal.  Gains in women’s participation have been notable in countries that have taken proactive steps to support women’s political participation, including reforming or amending discriminatory laws, taking concrete action to address violence against women in politics and gender discrimination within parliaments, addressing gender-specific barriers, and supporting women in all forms of decision-making including at local level and in executive government.

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World News

Malawi Parliament picks first woman Speaker: Catherine Gotani Hara

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Malawi Parliament picks first woman Speaker: Catherine Gotani Hara


Hon Catherine Gotani Hara, a lawmaker with the main opposition Malawi Congress Party, MCP, has been elected speaker of the country’s parliament becoming the first woman speaker.

Multiple local media portals have reported that she won a closely contested poll on Wednesday beating former first deputy speaker Esther Mcheka Chilenje.

Hon Catherine Gotani Hara, a lawmaker with the main opposition Malawi Congress Party, MCP, has been elected speaker of the country’s parliament becoming the first woman speaker.

Multiple local media portals have reported that she won a closely contested poll on Wednesday beating former first deputy speaker Esther Mcheka Chilenje.

World News

South Africa's president names Cabinet that is 50% women

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South Africa's president names Cabinet that is 50% women


South Africa's president on Wednesday named a trimmed-down Cabinet that is 50% women, making the country's one of few in the world to be "gender-balanced."

President Cyril Ramaphosa's announcement followed similar moves by Ethiopia and Rwanda last year.

South Africa's president on Wednesday named a trimmed-down Cabinet that is 50% women, making the country's one of few in the world to be "gender-balanced."

President Cyril Ramaphosa's announcement followed similar moves by Ethiopia and Rwanda last year.

World News

Women gaining ground in the European Parliament

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Women gaining ground in the European Parliament


The number of women members of the European Parliament has doubled since direct elections were first held in 1979 but they still remain the minority, particularly in the top jobs.

Women made up just 16 percent of the 1979 parliament; in today’s outgoing assembly, they represent around 36 percent of the 751 MEPs.

The number of women members of the European Parliament has doubled since direct elections were first held in 1979 but they still remain the minority, particularly in the top jobs.

Women made up just 16 percent of the 1979 parliament; in today’s outgoing assembly, they represent around 36 percent of the 751 MEPs.

World News

Spain's parliament leads Europe in gender-equality despite rise of far right

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Spain's parliament leads Europe in gender-equality despite rise of far right


Spain’s new parliament, sworn in on Tuesday, has the largest share of women in any European legislature, no small achievement for a country still reinventing itself four decades after the end of a right-wing, traditionalist dictatorship.

Women’s rights have been prominent in the political debate for over a decade and remain controversial, to the point where the far-right Vox party entered the assembly for the first time on a platform that seeks to reverse some equality laws.

Spain’s new parliament, sworn in on Tuesday, has the largest share of women in any European legislature, no small achievement for a country still reinventing itself four decades after the end of a right-wing, traditionalist dictatorship.

Women’s rights have been prominent in the political debate for over a decade and remain controversial, to the point where the far-right Vox party entered the assembly for the first time on a platform that seeks to reverse some equality laws.

World News

Australia: Women in parliament to hit record high but 'long way to go' until gender parity

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Australia: Women in parliament to hit record high but 'long way to go' until gender parity


The next federal parliament is set to have a record number of women but Australia still has a "long way to go" until it achieves gender parity in its corridors of power.

The next federal parliament is set to have a record number of women but Australia still has a "long way to go" until it achieves gender parity in its corridors of power.

World News

MPs discuss ways to achieve gender equality at CSW63

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MPs discuss ways to achieve gender equality at CSW63


The IPU and UN Women held a joint parliamentary event at the 63rd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63) on 13 March 2019 in New York. Participants at the event discussed ways of making social protection programmes more gender responsive.

The IPU and UN Women held a joint parliamentary event at the 63rd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63) on 13 March 2019 in New York. Participants at the event discussed ways of making social protection programmes more gender responsive.

World News

Why cabinet, rather than parliament, is the centre of power for African women

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Why cabinet, rather than parliament, is the centre of power for African women


How do we know whether women are achieving equitable levels of political representation? For many years, scholars have focused on women’s representation in legislatures. But in many African states power is in fact concentrated in the executive branch.

How do we know whether women are achieving equitable levels of political representation? For many years, scholars have focused on women’s representation in legislatures. But in many African states power is in fact concentrated in the executive branch.

International Idea's GSoD In Focus: Political gender equality and the global state of democracy indices

March 21, 2019

International Idea's GSoD In Focus: Political gender equality and the global state of democracy indices

This GSoD In Focus showcases global and regional data around trends in and the progression of gender equality, based on data from the Global State of Democracy (GSoD) Indices.

This GSoD In Focus showcases global and regional data around trends in and the progression of gender equality, based on data from the Global State of Democracy (GSoD) Indices.

Women in Politics Map 2019

March 12, 2019

Women in Politics Map 2019

This map is a unique visual tool that captures women’s participation in executive government and in parliament on a given date—1st January 2019.

This map is a unique visual tool that captures women’s participation in executive government and in parliament on a given date—1st January 2019.