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Advocacy and Lobbying

Advocacy and lobbying are activities that represent and promote the needs of specific groups in political and social arenas. One such group is women, who can collectively pressure their leaders for legislative reforms to protect and promote women’s rights and concerns. It is the goal of advocacy groups and lobbyists to ensure that both the public and politicians understand and support their cause, so that it gains strength and credibility. Securing rights and gains for women requires coalition-building, funding, civic education, awareness-raising and individuals willing to lead the way.

While the goals of advocacy and lobbying are similar, the processes are distinctly different. Advocacy involves gaining and exercising power to influence a political action. Employing methods such as demonstrations, public campaigns and civic education, advocacy can be the primary mission of international agencies and civil society organizations seeking to influence global and national decision makers. Women worldwide frequently organize themselves for advocacy purposes, drawing on their collective power to affect legislation, official policies and governmental programs. Lobbying, however, refers to influencing the government and its leaders. Lobbyists attempt to sway policy makers and legislators to address specific issues, often by introducing or revising legislation and policy. Lobbying activities may include private meetings with decision makers, public campaigns and demonstrations.

World News

We deserve better, Kenyan women tell President Kenyatta

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We deserve better, Kenyan women tell President Kenyatta


The Federation of Women Lawyers has accused President Uhuru Kenyatta of treating women as ‘second class citizens’ after he failed to name any of them in his first batch of nine members of the Cabinet.

Fida said that in retaining only six men in his Cabinet, and naming three more as new entrants, he had failed to acknowledge the contribution women had made to the nation in the Cabinet.

The Federation of Women Lawyers has accused President Uhuru Kenyatta of treating women as ‘second class citizens’ after he failed to name any of them in his first batch of nine members of the Cabinet.

Fida said that in retaining only six men in his Cabinet, and naming three more as new entrants, he had failed to acknowledge the contribution women had made to the nation in the Cabinet.


World News

Women supported to campaign in Tonga

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Women supported to campaign in Tonga


The head of Tonga's Civil Society Forum says getting more women into parliament is everyone's responsibility and it is time for more gender balance in Tongan politics.

Siale 'Ilolahia says the early election in November is an opportunity for Tongan women to come forward.

The head of Tonga's Civil Society Forum says getting more women into parliament is everyone's responsibility and it is time for more gender balance in Tongan politics.

Siale 'Ilolahia says the early election in November is an opportunity for Tongan women to come forward.

World News

Court ruling raises hopes among Kenyan women for more political representation

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Court ruling raises hopes among Kenyan women for more political representation


NAIROBI, Sept 7 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Buoyed by record gains in last month's elections, Kenyan activists say they hope the nation's top court will enforce women's right to better political representation, following a surprise decision to nullify the presidential election.

NAIROBI, Sept 7 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Buoyed by record gains in last month's elections, Kenyan activists say they hope the nation's top court will enforce women's right to better political representation, following a surprise decision to nullify the presidential election.

World News

Pacific Islands Forum leader plans more effort to help women as leaders

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Pacific Islands Forum leader plans more effort to help women as leaders


The secretary general of the Pacific Islands Forum Dame Meg Taylor wants to put more effort into empowering women leaders. 

The secretary general of the Pacific Islands Forum Dame Meg Taylor wants to put more effort into empowering women leaders. 


Engaging Male Champions to Support Women’s Political Participation

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Engaging Male Champions to Support Women’s Political Participation

Research and experience has documented that gender diversity yields better outcomes in political decision-making and that women’s role in local and national political processes greatly improves democratic outcomes.

Research and experience has documented that gender diversity yields better outcomes in political decision-making and that women’s role in local and national political processes greatly improves democratic outcomes.

World News

Female Candidates Encouraged to Compete With Male Counterparts

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Female Candidates Encouraged to Compete With Male Counterparts


Monrovia - President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has urged female candidates to fill the gap and

Monrovia - President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has urged female candidates to fill the gap and
