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Advocacy and Lobbying

Advocacy and lobbying are activities that represent and promote the needs of specific groups in political and social arenas. One such group is women, who can collectively pressure their leaders for legislative reforms to protect and promote women’s rights and concerns. It is the goal of advocacy groups and lobbyists to ensure that both the public and politicians understand and support their cause, so that it gains strength and credibility. Securing rights and gains for women requires coalition-building, funding, civic education, awareness-raising and individuals willing to lead the way.

While the goals of advocacy and lobbying are similar, the processes are distinctly different. Advocacy involves gaining and exercising power to influence a political action. Employing methods such as demonstrations, public campaigns and civic education, advocacy can be the primary mission of international agencies and civil society organizations seeking to influence global and national decision makers. Women worldwide frequently organize themselves for advocacy purposes, drawing on their collective power to affect legislation, official policies and governmental programs. Lobbying, however, refers to influencing the government and its leaders. Lobbyists attempt to sway policy makers and legislators to address specific issues, often by introducing or revising legislation and policy. Lobbying activities may include private meetings with decision makers, public campaigns and demonstrations.


Women in Politics: Are Women’s Rights Possible to Debate in the Political Sphere?


Women in Politics: Are Women’s Rights Possible to Debate in the Political Sphere?

Women’s rights activists, feminists and politicians examined together alternatives and meanings of gender equality politics and produced Conclusions and Recommendations.The general conclusions and



International Symposium on Poverty Alleviation Strategies


International Symposium on Poverty Alleviation Strategies

European Commission has announced the year 2010 as "European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion" and in this context various activities have been organized in European countries.



Precarious Progress: U.N. Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security


Precarious Progress: U.N. Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security

The 2010 Women PeaceMakers Conference coincides with a momentous year, marking both the 15th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the 10th anniversary of UNSCR 1325.



Third International Conference on Women’s Safety: Building Inclusive Cities


Third International Conference on Women’s Safety: Building Inclusive Cities

This event will bring together international actors in the field of women’s safety for exchange and debate on key topics in current practice.


Online Discussion: Gender, Education and Employment


Online Discussion: Gender, Education and Employment

In preparation for the fifty-fifth session of the Commission on the Status of Women, the Division for the Advancement of Women is organizing an online discussion on the linkages between women’s and