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An effective political campaign is a connected series of operations designed to persuade constituents to vote for you, your candidate, a party or an issue. Campaigns require methodical planning, organization and implementation.

Women face a number of obstacles implementing effective, winning campaigns. Women generally have more difficulty than men do in raising sufficient funds to win a campaign, in large part because they are traditionally not the primary breadwinners. Similarly, women may not have equal access to decision-making regarding the distribution of funds. Traditionally, women must earn the internal support of their party or, alternatively, work even harder to win as independent candidates. Rather than focusing on the substance of a campaign and its message, the media and the public may focus instead on the appearance of a woman candidate or her role in the home. To earn the support of their own party and constituents, women must work harder than men do to create clean, targeted and compelling messages.

World News

Meet The Women in Hillary Clinton’s Inner Circle

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Meet The Women in Hillary Clinton’s Inner Circle


Hillary Clinton has had a successful and trailblazing career as First Lady, New York senator, and Secretary of State. Over the past 25 years, she has been surrounded by a fierce circle of female advisers who make up a large part of her team.

Who are the women who have helped Hillary become Hillary? And how will their roles change if she runs for President in 2016?


Hillary Clinton has had a successful and trailblazing career as First Lady, New York senator, and Secretary of State. Over the past 25 years, she has been surrounded by a fierce circle of female advisers who make up a large part of her team.

Who are the women who have helped Hillary become Hillary? And how will their roles change if she runs for President in 2016?


World News

Money in Politics Keeps Women Out of Office, USA

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Money in Politics Keeps Women Out of Office, USA


Women make up less than 20 percent of Congress. Out of 100 senators, 20 are female; out of 435 representatives, there are 78 women. According to the World Economic Forum, that puts the United States at 60th in the world for political equality between the sexes, right behind countries like Sri Lanka, Serbia, and Senegal.

We invite our users to read the complete article published January 16 2014 

Women make up less than 20 percent of Congress. Out of 100 senators, 20 are female; out of 435 representatives, there are 78 women. According to the World Economic Forum, that puts the United States at 60th in the world for political equality between the sexes, right behind countries like Sri Lanka, Serbia, and Senegal.

We invite our users to read the complete article published January 16 2014 

World News

Money in Politics Keeps Women Out of Office, USA

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Money in Politics Keeps Women Out of Office, USA


Women make up less than 20 percent of Congress. Out of 100 senators, 20 are female; out of 435 representatives, there are 78 women. According to the World Economic Forum, that puts the United States at 60th in the world for political equality between the sexes, right behind countries like Sri Lanka, Serbia, and Senegal.

We invite our users to read the complete article published January 16 2014 

Women make up less than 20 percent of Congress. Out of 100 senators, 20 are female; out of 435 representatives, there are 78 women. According to the World Economic Forum, that puts the United States at 60th in the world for political equality between the sexes, right behind countries like Sri Lanka, Serbia, and Senegal.

We invite our users to read the complete article published January 16 2014 


World News

Female candidates will face uphill battle in 2014 election in Indonesia

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Female candidates will face uphill battle in 2014 election in Indonesia


Despite efforts to increase the number of women in politics, they still face an uphill battle to join the male-dominated political world, a political expert has said.

Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) political analyst Siti Zuhro said women in general were still victims of discrimination.

We invite you to read the full article published January 13, 2014

Despite efforts to increase the number of women in politics, they still face an uphill battle to join the male-dominated political world, a political expert has said.

Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) political analyst Siti Zuhro said women in general were still victims of discrimination.

We invite you to read the full article published January 13, 2014

World News

Michelle Wu talks of change, votes otherwise

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Michelle Wu talks of change, votes otherwise


Ayanna Pressley and Michelle Wu stood side by side at the swearing-in of Boston’s new mayor, both symbols of the changing face of city politics.

Pressley, who is African-American, just won her third term as an at-large councilor, topping the at-large ballot for the second time. Wu, the first Asian-American woman elected to citywide office in Boston history, finished second in the at-large race.

Ayanna Pressley and Michelle Wu stood side by side at the swearing-in of Boston’s new mayor, both symbols of the changing face of city politics.

Pressley, who is African-American, just won her third term as an at-large councilor, topping the at-large ballot for the second time. Wu, the first Asian-American woman elected to citywide office in Boston history, finished second in the at-large race.

World News

Gabrielle Giffords keeps door open for a future bid for office, USA

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Gabrielle Giffords keeps door open for a future bid for office, USA


Former US representative Gabrielle Giffords — still recovering from a shooting three years ago — said Thursday that she might consider a return to political office.

The Arizona Democrat kept the door open when asked about such a possibility, saying ‘‘well, a little later’’ and ‘‘maybe’’ during an interview on NBC’s ‘‘Today’’ show.

The interview was aired a day after ceremonies in Tucson to remember the six people killed and 13 injured in the Jan. 8, 2011, shooting that occurred as Giffords met with constituents outside a grocery store.

Former US representative Gabrielle Giffords — still recovering from a shooting three years ago — said Thursday that she might consider a return to political office.

The Arizona Democrat kept the door open when asked about such a possibility, saying ‘‘well, a little later’’ and ‘‘maybe’’ during an interview on NBC’s ‘‘Today’’ show.

The interview was aired a day after ceremonies in Tucson to remember the six people killed and 13 injured in the Jan. 8, 2011, shooting that occurred as Giffords met with constituents outside a grocery store.

World News

Why It Didn’t Work for Liz Cheney, USA

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Why It Didn’t Work for Liz Cheney, USA


Liz Cheney cited family health concerns as her reason for dropping out of the Wyoming Senate race, but her exit Monday came after months of struggling to gain traction in a Republican primary challenge to Sen. Michael B. Enzi.

Nearly six months after announcing her first bid for public office, the campaign of the former State Department official and daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney had grabbed more headlines for causing intrafamily drama than for offering a decisive argument for her candidacy.

Liz Cheney cited family health concerns as her reason for dropping out of the Wyoming Senate race, but her exit Monday came after months of struggling to gain traction in a Republican primary challenge to Sen. Michael B. Enzi.

Nearly six months after announcing her first bid for public office, the campaign of the former State Department official and daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney had grabbed more headlines for causing intrafamily drama than for offering a decisive argument for her candidacy.

World News

2016 Dream ticket: Hillary and Michelle

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2016 Dream ticket: Hillary and Michelle


The 2016 National Elections are not that far away. It is timely and important that we not wait until then to begin having constructive discussions about who should be given the opportunity and responsibility to succeed President Barack Obama. The questions of the future of politics, economics and equal justice should never be avoided. Especially, given all the voter suppression enactments in many states over the last two years, we should be more vigilant about being politically conscious and civically active.

The 2016 National Elections are not that far away. It is timely and important that we not wait until then to begin having constructive discussions about who should be given the opportunity and responsibility to succeed President Barack Obama. The questions of the future of politics, economics and equal justice should never be avoided. Especially, given all the voter suppression enactments in many states over the last two years, we should be more vigilant about being politically conscious and civically active.