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Capacity Building

Although much of the iKNOW Politics network is dedicated to increasing women’s political knowledge and participation, there are a number of skills that, while not explicitly political, are necessary to succeed in politics.

World News

Paraguay: Political training for women helps reduce the representation gap

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Paraguay: Political training for women helps reduce the representation gap


In a region that has seen the greatest progress in political gender equality in the last two decades, Paraguay stands out, but for the wrong reasons: it has the third-lowest percentage of women in parliament in the Americas, with 17.5%, roughly half the regional average of 33.9%. When considering other elective positions, the divide widens.

In a region that has seen the greatest progress in political gender equality in the last two decades, Paraguay stands out, but for the wrong reasons: it has the third-lowest percentage of women in parliament in the Americas, with 17.5%, roughly half the regional average of 33.9%. When considering other elective positions, the divide widens.

World News

Strengthening the role of women in local politics in the South Mediterranean

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Strengthening the role of women in local politics in the South Mediterranean


Congress Vice-President and Rapporteur on the South-Med Partnership, Xavier Cadoret (France, SOC/G/PD), welcomed the positive dynamic in Morocco in strengthening women’s political participation as elected representatives, following the September 2021 elections.

Congress Vice-President and Rapporteur on the South-Med Partnership, Xavier Cadoret (France, SOC/G/PD), welcomed the positive dynamic in Morocco in strengthening women’s political participation as elected representatives, following the September 2021 elections.

World News

Liberia: Women strategize for 2023 elections

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Liberia: Women strategize for 2023 elections


The YWCA in collaboration with the Women Working Group on women’s peace and security has ended a three-day workshop here, geared at preparing women to participate in the 2023 Presidential and general elections as a means of breaking the barriers of women’s participation in national decision making.

The YWCA in collaboration with the Women Working Group on women’s peace and security has ended a three-day workshop here, geared at preparing women to participate in the 2023 Presidential and general elections as a means of breaking the barriers of women’s participation in national decision making.

Kenya: How female political aspirants are wooing voters

February 21, 2022

Kenya: How female political aspirants are wooing voters

Female aspirants seeking elective seats in the 2022 General Election have adopted varying strategies to woo voters.

Female aspirants seeking elective seats in the 2022 General Election have adopted varying strategies to woo voters.


CSW 66: One decade on: How gender-sensitive are our parliaments now?


CSW 66: One decade on: How gender-sensitive are our parliaments now?

To commemorate a decade of Gender-sensitive parliaments and take stock of parliaments’ achievements in transforming their institutions to enable women’s full and effect

Training: LeadHerShip

February 8, 2022

Training: LeadHerShip

Despite progress, women continue to be under-represented in positions of power and leadership in Government, Business, and public life. This picture is even worse for BAME women, LGBTQ+ women, disabled women, and women who experience additional inequality.

Despite progress, women continue to be under-represented in positions of power and leadership in Government, Business, and public life. This picture is even worse for BAME women, LGBTQ+ women, disabled women, and women who experience additional inequality.

India: the link between education and participation of women in Indian politics

January 31, 2022

India: the link between education and participation of women in Indian politics

The gender disparity in politics is indicative of the of need to promote education amongst women, thus, enabling greater political participation.

The gender disparity in politics is indicative of the of need to promote education amongst women, thus, enabling greater political participation.

Kuviraa, building political engagement & leadership in young girls

January 28, 2022

Kuviraa, building political engagement & leadership in young girls

Kuviraa, which means courageous women in multiple Indian languages, aims to work with young girls, especially from marginalised and minority communities, between the ages of 12 - 20 to change attitudes towards politics in India through the following three goals: to in

Kuviraa, which means courageous women in multiple Indian languages, aims to work with young girls, especially from marginalised and minority communities, between the ages of 12 - 20 to change attitudes towards politics in India through the following three goals: to in