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Capacity Building

Although much of the iKNOW Politics network is dedicated to increasing women’s political knowledge and participation, there are a number of skills that, while not explicitly political, are necessary to succeed in politics.



Beyond government: How can you inject political finance information in your life and why should anyone care? What’s next?


Beyond government: How can you inject political finance information in your life and why should anyone care? What’s next?

This webinar session will introduce some of the creative ideas that inject political finance information into the everyday life of people and brainstorm about the possible ways to make this i


How can the transparency of political finance be enhanced when we don’t have reliable government data?


How can the transparency of political finance be enhanced when we don’t have reliable government data?

How technology can be exploited to monitor election spendings or explore undue influence on the decision-making process.

World News

New Report Examines the Reality of Women’s Participation in Guatemalan Politics

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New Report Examines the Reality of Women’s Participation in Guatemalan Politics


While women in Guatemala have slowly been making political gains, a new report by NDI and UN Women shows that a significant gender gap persists. The report, Between Challenge and Reality: Women and Political Participation in Guatemala, examines the progress made in recent elections, some obstacles women face and potential areas for improvement.


While women in Guatemala have slowly been making political gains, a new report by NDI and UN Women shows that a significant gender gap persists. The report, Between Challenge and Reality: Women and Political Participation in Guatemala, examines the progress made in recent elections, some obstacles women face and potential areas for improvement.



World News

Meet The Women in Hillary Clinton’s Inner Circle

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Meet The Women in Hillary Clinton’s Inner Circle


Hillary Clinton has had a successful and trailblazing career as First Lady, New York senator, and Secretary of State. Over the past 25 years, she has been surrounded by a fierce circle of female advisers who make up a large part of her team.

Who are the women who have helped Hillary become Hillary? And how will their roles change if she runs for President in 2016?


Hillary Clinton has had a successful and trailblazing career as First Lady, New York senator, and Secretary of State. Over the past 25 years, she has been surrounded by a fierce circle of female advisers who make up a large part of her team.

Who are the women who have helped Hillary become Hillary? And how will their roles change if she runs for President in 2016?




World News

Empowering Egyptian women despite the odds

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Empowering Egyptian women despite the odds


Egyptian women have been the worst sufferers in the revolution and the rise of Islamist factions has seen curtailment of the rights of women, said a leading women's activist from the North African nation whose organisation has been quietly operating in the country's southern region to empower women through training in traditional crafts to enable them stand on their own feet.

Egyptian women have been the worst sufferers in the revolution and the rise of Islamist factions has seen curtailment of the rights of women, said a leading women's activist from the North African nation whose organisation has been quietly operating in the country's southern region to empower women through training in traditional crafts to enable them stand on their own feet.