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Capacity Building

Although much of the iKNOW Politics network is dedicated to increasing women’s political knowledge and participation, there are a number of skills that, while not explicitly political, are necessary to succeed in politics.

World News

Free training on preventing online violence against women for EU elections candidates

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Free training on preventing online violence against women for EU elections candidates


The European Women’s Lobby offers women in politics training on online violence against women in view of the upcoming EU elections. Book your spot on 13 or 16 February!

The European Women’s Lobby offers women in politics training on online violence against women in view of the upcoming EU elections. Book your spot on 13 or 16 February!

World News

Gender-responsive training by FAWE for Kenyan media

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Gender-responsive training by FAWE for Kenyan media


The Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE), one of the seven partners within the Women In Political Participation (WPP) Project, recently convened a strategic 2-day gender-responsive training for select Kenyan journalists, editors and social media influencers drawn from various Kenya television, print media and radio stations.
The Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE), one of the seven partners within the Women In Political Participation (WPP) Project, recently convened a strategic 2-day gender-responsive training for select Kenyan journalists, editors and social media influencers drawn from various Kenya television, print media and radio stations.

World News

UN commends Tanzania for advancing women’s leadership

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UN commends Tanzania for advancing women’s leadership


DAR ES SALAAM: THE United Nations (UN) yesterday said that Tanzania has made significant progress in the advancement of women’s leadership and political participation, saying there should be a legal framework to protect women in the future to attain 50/50 thresholds in leadership.

UN Resident Coordinator, Mr Zlatan Milišić made the statement during the UN Women and Tanzania Editors Forum (TEF) meeting held in Dar es Salaam.

DAR ES SALAAM: THE United Nations (UN) yesterday said that Tanzania has made significant progress in the advancement of women’s leadership and political participation, saying there should be a legal framework to protect women in the future to attain 50/50 thresholds in leadership.

UN Resident Coordinator, Mr Zlatan Milišić made the statement during the UN Women and Tanzania Editors Forum (TEF) meeting held in Dar es Salaam.

World News

Do no harm | Programs to support for Pacific women leaders

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Do no harm | Programs to support for Pacific women leaders


The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, last month committed to a revitalised gender equality declaration. This declaration, spearheaded by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, was subject to extensive consultation across the region.

The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, last month committed to a revitalised gender equality declaration. This declaration, spearheaded by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, was subject to extensive consultation across the region.

World News

Capacity building key to overcoming challenges in women’s political participation

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Capacity building key to overcoming challenges in women’s political participation


Traditionally, across South Sudan, women and girls have been disproportionately affected by conflict. Add to this, cultural norms, such as early or forced marriages, and there is a significant gap in attaining equal rights for women.

As this young nation approaches its first post-independence elections, the need for more women in politics and governance is clear.

Traditionally, across South Sudan, women and girls have been disproportionately affected by conflict. Add to this, cultural norms, such as early or forced marriages, and there is a significant gap in attaining equal rights for women.

As this young nation approaches its first post-independence elections, the need for more women in politics and governance is clear.

World News

Do no harm: supporting Pacific women leaders

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Do no harm: supporting Pacific women leaders


The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, last month committed to a revitalised gender equality declaration. This declaration, spearheaded by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, was subject to extensive consultation across the region.

The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, last month committed to a revitalised gender equality declaration. This declaration, spearheaded by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, was subject to extensive consultation across the region.

World News

Stakeholders advocate increased women participation in policymaking

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Stakeholders advocate increased women participation in policymaking


Stakeholders have advocated the implementation of gender-inclusive policy-making to address the challenges facing women in the country.

This was as Women Trust Fund (WTF) observed that the widening gender gap in political opportunities would worsen issues for women.

Stakeholders have advocated the implementation of gender-inclusive policy-making to address the challenges facing women in the country.

This was as Women Trust Fund (WTF) observed that the widening gender gap in political opportunities would worsen issues for women.

World News

Empowering women in politics: necessity, challenges and role of education institutions

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Empowering women in politics: necessity, challenges and role of education institutions


CHENNAI: Indian parliament has finally passed the historic women's reservation bill or to call it by its proper name Naari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam.

After a waiting period of 27 years, the Indian parliamentarians decided to take a concrete step towards the political empowerment of Indian women. This step is not a full stop to a much-discussed topic of political reservation for women but marks the beginning of a new era.

CHENNAI: Indian parliament has finally passed the historic women's reservation bill or to call it by its proper name Naari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam.

After a waiting period of 27 years, the Indian parliamentarians decided to take a concrete step towards the political empowerment of Indian women. This step is not a full stop to a much-discussed topic of political reservation for women but marks the beginning of a new era.

World News

More women for local, national elections

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More women for local, national elections


IT’S the responsibility of political parties to ensure that more women take part in local and national elections, says Assistant Foreign Minister and Deputy Speaker Lenora Qereqeretabua.

Additionally, Ms Qereqeretabua said making political life safer for women was crucial.

IT’S the responsibility of political parties to ensure that more women take part in local and national elections, says Assistant Foreign Minister and Deputy Speaker Lenora Qereqeretabua.

Additionally, Ms Qereqeretabua said making political life safer for women was crucial.