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Crisis response

Why we need more women mediators

January 19, 2021

Why we need more women mediators

It was a balmy day in November 2020 as I was sitting on a crowded train, my mouth full of bread and hot steamy chai as I struggled to take a sip. I took a glance at the people who picked me up and would bring me to meet the commander.

It was a balmy day in November 2020 as I was sitting on a crowded train, my mouth full of bread and hot steamy chai as I struggled to take a sip. I took a glance at the people who picked me up and would bring me to meet the commander.

Deepening Stabilization in Libya: Overcoming Challenges to Young Women's Participation in Peace Building

January 15, 2021

Deepening Stabilization in Libya: Overcoming Challenges to Young Women's Participation in Peace Building

As Libya struggles with continued political conflict and economic turmoil amid the COVID-19 pandemic, young women who want to contribute to peacebuilding, political processes, and economic reconstruction face serious obstacles.

As Libya struggles with continued political conflict and economic turmoil amid the COVID-19 pandemic, young women who want to contribute to peacebuilding, political processes, and economic reconstruction face serious obstacles.

10 years on from the Arab Spring, I’m remembering the women who gave their lives for change

January 15, 2021

10 years on from the Arab Spring, I’m remembering the women who gave their lives for change

By Hibbaq Osman, Founder of Karama, a network of women's rights organisations

By Hibbaq Osman, Founder of Karama, a network of women's rights organisations

Politics & Gender short paper series on Gender, Politics, and the Global Pandemic

January 15, 2021

Politics & Gender short paper series on Gender, Politics, and the Global Pandemic

Politics & Gender is an agenda-setting journal that publishes quality scholarship on gender and politics and on women and politics.

Politics & Gender is an agenda-setting journal that publishes quality scholarship on gender and politics and on women and politics.

Research: Women are better leaders during a crisis

January 6, 2021

Research: Women are better leaders during a crisis

Summary: There has been a lot said about how women have done a better job leading during the Covid-19 crisis than men.

Summary: There has been a lot said about how women have done a better job leading during the Covid-19 crisis than men.

How female Prime Ministers are leading in this time of crisis

December 30, 2020

How female Prime Ministers are leading in this time of crisis

Who’d have thought to throw a press conference for kids? Only in Norway it appears. Earlier this week, Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg decided to hold a press conference on the coronavirus just for kids and children’s media.

Who’d have thought to throw a press conference for kids? Only in Norway it appears. Earlier this week, Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg decided to hold a press conference on the coronavirus just for kids and children’s media.

World News

No 10's Covid press briefings led exclusively by men for past six months

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No 10's Covid press briefings led exclusively by men for past six months


Downing Street has not used a female minister to lead its coronavirus press conference for more than six months, a tally by the Guardian has found, prompting accusations that Boris Johnson does not value the women in his team.

It has also emerged that the government has sent out no female minister as its main representative on the regular morning round of TV and radio interviews for five weeks – and has done so only once in the past two months.

Downing Street has not used a female minister to lead its coronavirus press conference for more than six months, a tally by the Guardian has found, prompting accusations that Boris Johnson does not value the women in his team.

It has also emerged that the government has sent out no female minister as its main representative on the regular morning round of TV and radio interviews for five weeks – and has done so only once in the past two months.

World News

COVID-19: How male and female leaders differ in their political discourse

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COVID-19: How male and female leaders differ in their political discourse


In situations of crisis, language and communication matter — particularly at the highest levels of political leadership. But do men and women use language differently when they are in positions of power? A new study sets out to investigate, and MNT spoke to its authors about the implications of their research for global health policy.

Recently, there has been much discussion in the media about gender imbalance in the COVID-19 response.

In situations of crisis, language and communication matter — particularly at the highest levels of political leadership. But do men and women use language differently when they are in positions of power? A new study sets out to investigate, and MNT spoke to its authors about the implications of their research for global health policy.

Recently, there has been much discussion in the media about gender imbalance in the COVID-19 response.