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Crisis response

World News

Generations of progress for women and girls could be lost to COVID pandemic, UN chief warns

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Generations of progress for women and girls could be lost to COVID pandemic, UN chief warns


In an address to a virtual town hall with young women from civil society organizations, the Secretary-General said that the global pandemic has already reversed decades of limited and fragile progress on gender equality and women’s rights.

“Without a concerned response, we risk losing a generation or more of gains”, he cautioned.

In an address to a virtual town hall with young women from civil society organizations, the Secretary-General said that the global pandemic has already reversed decades of limited and fragile progress on gender equality and women’s rights.

“Without a concerned response, we risk losing a generation or more of gains”, he cautioned.

World News

Female leaders say sexism, threats come with the job

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Female leaders say sexism, threats come with the job


Local female leaders in Norman and Oklahoma City have been subject to threats, harassment and sexism in recent months.

The COVID-19 pandemic coupled with urgent calls for racial justice have stirred a new group of vocal critics, with their anger spilling over into emails, tweets and direct messages to their city councilors.

For local female politicians, that outcry comes with a layer of sexism veiled in gendered insults, name-calling and personal attacks directed at their appearance.

Local female leaders in Norman and Oklahoma City have been subject to threats, harassment and sexism in recent months.

The COVID-19 pandemic coupled with urgent calls for racial justice have stirred a new group of vocal critics, with their anger spilling over into emails, tweets and direct messages to their city councilors.

For local female politicians, that outcry comes with a layer of sexism veiled in gendered insults, name-calling and personal attacks directed at their appearance.

'We will always fix it': Jacinda Ardern's promise to NZ over COVID-19 mistakes

September 1, 2020

'We will always fix it': Jacinda Ardern's promise to NZ over COVID-19 mistakes

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says she will "never" shy away from admitting when the Government has screwed up.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says she will "never" shy away from admitting when the Government has screwed up.

World News

Victorian local government elections could see a return to all-male councils, as fewer women stand because of coronavirus

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Victorian local government elections could see a return to all-male councils, as fewer women stand because of coronavirus


There are fears October's local government elections could see a return of all-male councils in Victoria, with concerns fewer women will stand because of coronavirus impacts.

The Colac-Otway Shire in south-west Victoria is one of 14 councils in the state with only one woman — for the past four years that has been Kate Hanson.

"Sometimes I feel like I really stand out because I am the only female on council, but most importantly I feel women need a voice on council," she said.

"So I'm really proud to fulfil that role."

There are fears October's local government elections could see a return of all-male councils in Victoria, with concerns fewer women will stand because of coronavirus impacts.

The Colac-Otway Shire in south-west Victoria is one of 14 councils in the state with only one woman — for the past four years that has been Kate Hanson.

"Sometimes I feel like I really stand out because I am the only female on council, but most importantly I feel women need a voice on council," she said.

"So I'm really proud to fulfil that role."

World News

Women traditional leaders could help make sure the pandemic message is heard

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Women traditional leaders could help make sure the pandemic message is heard


As infections and the death toll for the new coronavirus pandemic mount, African countries have introduced measures to reduce the spread, raise awareness among communities and gain citizens’ compliance. But the potential contribution of traditional leaders has mostly not been considered. This is despite the role they have played in addressing health crises in many African countries.

As infections and the death toll for the new coronavirus pandemic mount, African countries have introduced measures to reduce the spread, raise awareness among communities and gain citizens’ compliance. But the potential contribution of traditional leaders has mostly not been considered. This is despite the role they have played in addressing health crises in many African countries.

How gender affects the response rates of politicians to inquiries about healthcare and unemployment support

August 26, 2020

How gender affects the response rates of politicians to inquiries about healthcare and unemployment support

Are women and men equally likely to receive answers when they contact politicians for information about healthcare and unemployment benefits?

Are women and men equally likely to receive answers when they contact politicians for information about healthcare and unemployment benefits?

Watch more TV to understand the backlash against the women in the running for vice president

August 11, 2020

Watch more TV to understand the backlash against the women in the running for vice president