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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

'Fed up with the old boys' club': Women elected to top municipal jobs across Quebec

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'Fed up with the old boys' club': Women elected to top municipal jobs across Quebec


7 of 18 borough mayors elected in Montreal are women, as are many city councillors and other Quebec mayors. 

 Yesterday, Montrealers elected a woman to be mayor for the first time. 

7 of 18 borough mayors elected in Montreal are women, as are many city councillors and other Quebec mayors. 

 Yesterday, Montrealers elected a woman to be mayor for the first time. 

World News

Fewer women in Iceland's new parliament

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Fewer women in Iceland's new parliament


The Icelandic general elections took place last weekend. The results show that the number of women as members of parliament decreases. The last government had 47,6% women and they will now be 38,1%, of the 63 elected members. The rate has not been this low since 2007.

The Icelandic general elections took place last weekend. The results show that the number of women as members of parliament decreases. The last government had 47,6% women and they will now be 38,1%, of the 63 elected members. The rate has not been this low since 2007.

World News

Jacinda Ardern becomes New Zealand's youngest woman leader

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Jacinda Ardern becomes New Zealand's youngest woman leader


New Zealand is set for a centre-left coalition government led by Labour head Jacinda Ardern.

Ms Ardern has been opposition leader for the last three months. At 37, she is set to be the country's youngest prime minister since 1856.

New Zealand is set for a centre-left coalition government led by Labour head Jacinda Ardern.

Ms Ardern has been opposition leader for the last three months. At 37, she is set to be the country's youngest prime minister since 1856.

Somali women’s political participation and leadership: Evidence and opportunities

September 29, 2017

Somali women’s political participation and leadership: Evidence and opportunities

This report synthesises findings from an eleven month qualitative research project (August 2016 - June 2017), carried out by Social Development Direct and Forcier Consulting, and funded by the Resea

This report synthesises findings from an eleven month qualitative research project (August 2016 - June 2017), carried out by Social Development Direct and Forcier Consulting, and funded by the Resea

World News

Court ruling raises hopes among Kenyan women for more political representation

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Court ruling raises hopes among Kenyan women for more political representation


NAIROBI, Sept 7 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Buoyed by record gains in last month's elections, Kenyan activists say they hope the nation's top court will enforce women's right to better political representation, following a surprise decision to nullify the presidential election.

NAIROBI, Sept 7 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Buoyed by record gains in last month's elections, Kenyan activists say they hope the nation's top court will enforce women's right to better political representation, following a surprise decision to nullify the presidential election.

World News

Proposals to increase number of female MPs in Commons rejected

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Proposals to increase number of female MPs in Commons rejected


The government has rejected all six proposals to give parliament more equal female representation, prepared by the Commons’ women and equalities committee, including fines for parties that do not select enough women as candidates. 

The government has rejected all six proposals to give parliament more equal female representation, prepared by the Commons’ women and equalities committee, including fines for parties that do not select enough women as candidates. 

World News

Women fight for political relevance in Zimbabwe

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Women fight for political relevance in Zimbabwe


Women in Mutare have added their voices on the growing calls for women to register and vote for female candidates in the forthcoming elections.

Women in Mutare have added their voices on the growing calls for women to register and vote for female candidates in the forthcoming elections.

World News

Women experience in elections ‘positive’ overall, says SIGI

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Women experience in elections ‘positive’ overall, says SIGI


AMMAN –– The overall experience of women in the latest elections, whether as voters or candidates, was “positive”, despite some shortcomings related to legal loopholes, according to a coalition tasked with monitoring the elections from a gender perspective.

AMMAN –– The overall experience of women in the latest elections, whether as voters or candidates, was “positive”, despite some shortcomings related to legal loopholes, according to a coalition tasked with monitoring the elections from a gender perspective.