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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

Women have been voting more than men for three decades in Finland

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Women have been voting more than men for three decades in Finland


This article was originally published by Yle on 9 April 2017 here.

This article was originally published by Yle on 9 April 2017 here.

World News

Women prepare to take the lead in Cambodia’s local elections

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Women prepare to take the lead in Cambodia’s local elections


SIEM REAP, CAMBODIA – In rural Cambodia, the women’s revolution is coming. It’s not happening with pink pussy hats, placards and chanting. Instead, it’s driven by quiet determination and a hunger to learn.

SIEM REAP, CAMBODIA – In rural Cambodia, the women’s revolution is coming. It’s not happening with pink pussy hats, placards and chanting. Instead, it’s driven by quiet determination and a hunger to learn.

RAU report finds that violence discourages young women from participating in politics in Zimbabwe

April 24, 2017

RAU report finds that violence discourages young women from participating in politics in Zimbabwe

World News

The Election Commission of Nepal asks parties to field women candidates in polls

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The Election Commission of Nepal asks parties to field women candidates in polls


KATHMANDU: The Election Commission (EC) of Nepal has urged the political parties to ensure women’s candidacy in all posts contesting in the May 14 local level elections.

KATHMANDU: The Election Commission (EC) of Nepal has urged the political parties to ensure women’s candidacy in all posts contesting in the May 14 local level elections.

World News

Low female participation rate in Iranian elections symptom of gender inequality

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Low female participation rate in Iranian elections symptom of gender inequality


The low number of female participants in Iranian elections is an indicator of inequality in the political, social and cultural fabric of the country, women’s rights advocate Nahid Tavasoli told the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI).

The low number of female participants in Iranian elections is an indicator of inequality in the political, social and cultural fabric of the country, women’s rights advocate Nahid Tavasoli told the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI).

World News

Tories ‘lag behind’ on gender balance for council elections

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Tories ‘lag behind’ on gender balance for council elections


Fewer than one in six Scottish Conservative candidates in next month’s council elections are female.

Fewer than one in six Scottish Conservative candidates in next month’s council elections are female.

World News

Algeria parties ordered to show female faces on posters

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Algeria parties ordered to show female faces on posters


Parties in Bordj Bou Arreridj Province had been showing hijabs surrounding blank spaces alongside photos of male candidates.

Parties in Bordj Bou Arreridj Province had been showing hijabs surrounding blank spaces alongside photos of male candidates.

World News

Kenya: 10 women seek to make history in governor race

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Kenya: 10 women seek to make history in governor race


Kenya could get its first female governor in the next General Election after 10 women formally submitted their bids, as indicated in the list of aspirants published by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission.

Kenya could get its first female governor in the next General Election after 10 women formally submitted their bids, as indicated in the list of aspirants published by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission.