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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

Women's political empowerment and American presidential elections discussed in The New Yorker

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Women's political empowerment and American presidential elections discussed in The New Yorker


Dr. Jill Lepore, Professor of American History at Harvard University, has published an article in The New Yorker, entitled ‘The Sovereignty of Women’. The article deals with the historical difficulties of women to be fully recognized as political subjects, and how this historical tension is affecting modern American politics and, in particular, the presidential candidacy of Hillary Clinton. Dr. Lepore explains how the political empowerment of women was historically contested, both from philosophers such as John Locke, and from politicians.

Dr. Jill Lepore, Professor of American History at Harvard University, has published an article in The New Yorker, entitled ‘The Sovereignty of Women’. The article deals with the historical difficulties of women to be fully recognized as political subjects, and how this historical tension is affecting modern American politics and, in particular, the presidential candidacy of Hillary Clinton. Dr. Lepore explains how the political empowerment of women was historically contested, both from philosophers such as John Locke, and from politicians.

World News

Gains for women in Viet Nam's National Assembly

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Gains for women in Viet Nam's National Assembly


The past week marked positive changes for women in Viet Nam’s political landscape. On March 31, Viet Nam's National Assembly (NA) elected Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan as its Chairwoman, making her the first woman to lead the country’s parliament. At 61, Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan won 95.5 percent of the votes.

The past week marked positive changes for women in Viet Nam’s political landscape. On March 31, Viet Nam's National Assembly (NA) elected Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan as its Chairwoman, making her the first woman to lead the country’s parliament. At 61, Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan won 95.5 percent of the votes.



World News

Improvements for women in politics in Samoa

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Improvements for women in politics in Samoa


Following her appointment as Deputy Leader of Samoa’s Human Rights Protection Party (HRPP), Fiame Mataafa was named Deputy Prime Minister, the first Samoan woman to hold that position. She is also the minister for natural resources and environment.

Following her appointment as Deputy Leader of Samoa’s Human Rights Protection Party (HRPP), Fiame Mataafa was named Deputy Prime Minister, the first Samoan woman to hold that position. She is also the minister for natural resources and environment.

Pro PALOP-TL ISC Newsletter (August-December 2015)

March 23, 2016

Pro PALOP-TL ISC Newsletter (August-December 2015)

Newsletter for the period August-December 2015 of the Project for the Reinforcement of Technical and Functional Competences of the Superior Audit Institutions, National Parliaments and Civil Society for the Control of Public Finance in the PALOP and

Newsletter for the period August-December 2015 of the Project for the Reinforcement of Technical and Functional Competences of the Superior Audit Institutions, National Parliaments and Civil Society for the Control of Public Finance in the PALOP and
