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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

Political party financing and equal participation of women in Kenyan electoral politics: A situation overview

February 11, 2016

Political party financing and equal participation of women in Kenyan electoral politics: A situation overview

Women and power: Overcoming barriers to leadership and influence'

February 10, 2016

Women and power: Overcoming barriers to leadership and influence'

‘Women and power: Overcoming barriers to leadership and influence’ is a case study developed as a result of the project ‘Women’s Voice and Leadership in Decision-Making project’.

‘Women and power: Overcoming barriers to leadership and influence’ is a case study developed as a result of the project ‘Women’s Voice and Leadership in Decision-Making project’.


World News

New President of the Marshall Islands is the First Female Pacific Leader

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New President of the Marshall Islands is the First Female Pacific Leader


The Marshall Islands parliament has elected a new president, former Education Minister Dr. Hilda Heine, the first female leader of any independent Pacific island nation. Dr. Heine stands out as the first Marshallese citizen to obtain a doctorate and one of just three women in parliament. For more details, please visit here

The Marshall Islands parliament has elected a new president, former Education Minister Dr. Hilda Heine, the first female leader of any independent Pacific island nation. Dr. Heine stands out as the first Marshallese citizen to obtain a doctorate and one of just three women in parliament. For more details, please visit here

World News

Running Start Job Opening: Staff Assistant

Submitted by admin1 on

Running Start Job Opening: Staff Assistant


Running Start, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization training young women to run for political office, is cal

Running Start, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization training young women to run for political office, is cal

World News

Khadija Arib is the New Chairman of the Dutch Parliament

Submitted by admin1 on

Khadija Arib is the New Chairman of the Dutch Parliament


Labour MP Khadija Arib has been elected the new chairman of the Dutch lower chamber of parliament. Arib was born in Morocco and has been an MP since 1998. The leadership of the Freedom Party does not agree with her appointment because of her dual Dutch-Moroccan national.


Labour MP Khadija Arib has been elected the new chairman of the Dutch lower chamber of parliament. Arib was born in Morocco and has been an MP since 1998. The leadership of the Freedom Party does not agree with her appointment because of her dual Dutch-Moroccan national.

