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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

What can we do to improve female representation in politics?

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What can we do to improve female representation in politics?


It’s no secret that women are vastly underrepresented at 

It’s no secret that women are vastly underrepresented at 

World News

International conference on women's political participation in Africa

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International conference on women's political participation in Africa


While on the 10th of December the world was celebrating Human Rights Day, in Bujumbura (Burundi) the International Conference on “Women’s Political Participation and their Role i

While on the 10th of December the world was celebrating Human Rights Day, in Bujumbura (Burundi) the International Conference on “Women’s Political Participation and their Role i

World News

Book launch: Political ‘barriers to entry’ for women highlighted

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Book launch: Political ‘barriers to entry’ for women highlighted


South Asian writers avoid writing on gender issues, but Dr Anita Weiss rightly explained the political paths of domestic powers in South Asian countries and identified the power distribution, political priorities, identity and women empowerment since the end of British rule in the region.  She also emphasises social understanding within region to achieve sustainable development.

South Asian writers avoid writing on gender issues, but Dr Anita Weiss rightly explained the political paths of domestic powers in South Asian countries and identified the power distribution, political priorities, identity and women empowerment since the end of British rule in the region.  She also emphasises social understanding within region to achieve sustainable development.

World News

A Rare Duel in Japan Vote as Abe Seeks to Keep Female Lawmakers

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A Rare Duel in Japan Vote as Abe Seeks to Keep Female Lawmakers


Megumi Kaneko stood on a podium in front of a poster of herself and dissolved into tears as she urged the mostly-male audience to pick her in this weekend’s Japanese election.

Megumi Kaneko stood on a podium in front of a poster of herself and dissolved into tears as she urged the mostly-male audience to pick her in this weekend’s Japanese election.

World News

Nigeria: Women Decry Political Party Primaries, Seek Deputy Governorship

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Nigeria: Women Decry Political Party Primaries, Seek Deputy Governorship


Women have complained about the recent primaries carried out by different political parties in the country saying they did not favour them and they were also cowed and forced into submission to the men.

Women have complained about the recent primaries carried out by different political parties in the country saying they did not favour them and they were also cowed and forced into submission to the men.

World News

Parliament has record number of women, Ukraine

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Parliament has record number of women, Ukraine


Ukraine’s new parliament has the highest number of female lawmakers in history. There are 50 of them, or 12 percent of the 421 lawmakers. They are also more educated, eloquent and elegant than ever before.

Ukraine’s new parliament has the highest number of female lawmakers in history. There are 50 of them, or 12 percent of the 421 lawmakers. They are also more educated, eloquent and elegant than ever before.

World News

Women don't run? USA

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Women don't run? USA


An interest in the gender gap between the representations of female candidates in U.S. elections compared to their male counterparts led two University of Pittsburgh professors to take the issue into the laboratory for three years of research.

An interest in the gender gap between the representations of female candidates in U.S. elections compared to their male counterparts led two University of Pittsburgh professors to take the issue into the laboratory for three years of research.

World News

Saudi Women Hope For Greater Rights In 2015

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Saudi Women Hope For Greater Rights In 2015


Saudi Arabian women’s headline-grabbing 2011 driving protests were a seminal moment for women’s rights in this ultraconservative Muslim country. Next year, they’ll finally get to taste the fruits of that activism — though not quite in the way they were shooting for.

Saudi Arabian women’s headline-grabbing 2011 driving protests were a seminal moment for women’s rights in this ultraconservative Muslim country. Next year, they’ll finally get to taste the fruits of that activism — though not quite in the way they were shooting for.

World News

2015: Groups Take Campaign For Women Participation To Grassroots, Nigeria

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2015: Groups Take Campaign For Women Participation To Grassroots, Nigeria


TOWARDS ensuring more women participation in politics and governance ahead of next year’s general elections, women groups have begun to mobilise across party lines in order to get more political space.

TOWARDS ensuring more women participation in politics and governance ahead of next year’s general elections, women groups have begun to mobilise across party lines in order to get more political space.