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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

Women's role in politics is still a work in progress on anniversary of 19th amendment

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Women's role in politics is still a work in progress on anniversary of 19th amendment


Today marks the anniversary of a historic day in American politics — the day women received the same opportunity as men to vote for the individuals that represented them.

Activists and advocates across the nation are celebrating the 94th anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment.

On this date in 1920, more than 26 million women had their citizenship affirmed by gaining the right to empower themselves, their families and their communities at the ballot box.

Today marks the anniversary of a historic day in American politics — the day women received the same opportunity as men to vote for the individuals that represented them.

Activists and advocates across the nation are celebrating the 94th anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment.

On this date in 1920, more than 26 million women had their citizenship affirmed by gaining the right to empower themselves, their families and their communities at the ballot box.

World News

Everything You Know About Politics is Wrong

Submitted by AMW on

Everything You Know About Politics is Wrong


There is so much conventional wisdom about women in politics that it is often hard to wade through what’s true and what’s simply taken as truth but is actually a baseless, outdated stereotype.  Part of the problem, at least at the national level, is that there just isn’t enough information to go on because only a handful of women have run for president – 13 women to be exact, dating back to 1872. The entire GOP field will probably be about that size come 2016, but I digress.

There is so much conventional wisdom about women in politics that it is often hard to wade through what’s true and what’s simply taken as truth but is actually a baseless, outdated stereotype.  Part of the problem, at least at the national level, is that there just isn’t enough information to go on because only a handful of women have run for president – 13 women to be exact, dating back to 1872. The entire GOP field will probably be about that size come 2016, but I digress.

Women leadership in Vietnam: How more women in politics bolsters equality

August 26, 2014

Women leadership in Vietnam: How more women in politics bolsters equality

The government of Vietnam has set a target of a minimum of 35% women's representatio

The government of Vietnam has set a target of a minimum of 35% women's representatio

Women’s Representativeness in the Parliaments in Different Electoral Systems

August 25, 2014

Women’s Representativeness in the Parliaments in Different Electoral Systems

A Comparative Study in Five Southeast Asian Countries: Cambodia,
Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Timor-Leste:

A Comparative Study in Five Southeast Asian Countries: Cambodia,
Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Timor-Leste:

The increased number of female members of parliament: Identifying its origins and obstacles in Indonesia, the Phillippine and Timor-Leste

August 25, 2014

The increased number of female members of parliament: Identifying its origins and obstacles in Indonesia, the Phillippine and Timor-Leste

It is generally recognized that women worldwide make substantial contributions towards politics, society
and the economy in their country. In newly democratic countries in Southeast Asia the role of women

It is generally recognized that women worldwide make substantial contributions towards politics, society
and the economy in their country. In newly democratic countries in Southeast Asia the role of women

World News

Working towards connecting with women voters in Delhi (India)

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Working towards connecting with women voters in Delhi (India)


In a bid to connect with women voters, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)'s women's wing has completed its first objective of setting up units in all the 70 Assembly segments of Delhi, the party has said.

In a bid to connect with women voters, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)'s women's wing has completed its first objective of setting up units in all the 70 Assembly segments of Delhi, the party has said.

World News

Wanted: Young candidates of color to shake up politics scene

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Wanted: Young candidates of color to shake up politics scene


When Stephanie Chang began knocking on doors in and around Detroit in pursuit of a statehouse seat in the Michigan legislature, the most common question she received didn’t have anything to do with her policy positions or her decade of experience as a community organizer.

“How old are you, anyways?” voters asked. Chang is 30, but admits to looking a more youthful 20.

When Stephanie Chang began knocking on doors in and around Detroit in pursuit of a statehouse seat in the Michigan legislature, the most common question she received didn’t have anything to do with her policy positions or her decade of experience as a community organizer.

“How old are you, anyways?” voters asked. Chang is 30, but admits to looking a more youthful 20.

World News

Marina Silva becomes formidable opponent in Brazil poll

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Marina Silva becomes formidable opponent in Brazil poll



Some accused it of being predictable and even boring - a presidential election in which the incumbent was all but guaranteed of being re-elected without, perhaps, even the need for a second round of voting.

But then tragedy intervened and changed everything.

We simply do not know what kind of president Eduardo Campos, the presidential candidate for Brazil's Socialist Party who was killed in a plane crash last week, would have been.


Some accused it of being predictable and even boring - a presidential election in which the incumbent was all but guaranteed of being re-elected without, perhaps, even the need for a second round of voting.

But then tragedy intervened and changed everything.

We simply do not know what kind of president Eduardo Campos, the presidential candidate for Brazil's Socialist Party who was killed in a plane crash last week, would have been.

Presentation Tunisian Women: Political role, Gains and Challenges

August 19, 2014

Presentation Tunisian Women: Political role, Gains and Challenges

Prepared and presented by Basma Soudani Belhadj (President  and founder of League of Tunisian Women Voters LET) and Najla Abbes  (board member and co-founder of LET): An overview of women's political participation after the 2011 revolution in Tunisia.

Prepared and presented by Basma Soudani Belhadj (President  and founder of League of Tunisian Women Voters LET) and Najla Abbes  (board member and co-founder of LET): An overview of women's political participation after the 2011 revolution in Tunisia.