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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

ZANU-PF has more women candidates, Zimbabwe

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ZANU-PF has more women candidates, Zimbabwe


WITH the presidential elections just around the corner, provisionally set for 31 July, tensions are high with a recent swell of infighting as political parties draw up primary election guidelines and hold their internal polls. However, the conflict has been ongoing

especially since female politicians have criticisedpolitical parties’ hollow commitment to equal representation of women.The lack of quotas for women in local government has also become burning issue,not only for aspiring female politicians, but also for all Zimbabwean women.

WITH the presidential elections just around the corner, provisionally set for 31 July, tensions are high with a recent swell of infighting as political parties draw up primary election guidelines and hold their internal polls. However, the conflict has been ongoing

especially since female politicians have criticisedpolitical parties’ hollow commitment to equal representation of women.The lack of quotas for women in local government has also become burning issue,not only for aspiring female politicians, but also for all Zimbabwean women.

World News

UNDP Lebanon: EU-funded workshop for stronger participation by women in political life

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UNDP Lebanon: EU-funded workshop for stronger participation by women in political life


On 3 July, the UNDP Lebanese Elections Assistance Programme (LEAP) organized the EU-funded workshop “Electoral Systems and Women’s Participation” in Beirut -where local candidates, activists and members from the international community came together to discuss how different electoral systems may facilitate greater participation by women in the upcoming Lebanese elections.

On 3 July, the UNDP Lebanese Elections Assistance Programme (LEAP) organized the EU-funded workshop “Electoral Systems and Women’s Participation” in Beirut -where local candidates, activists and members from the international community came together to discuss how different electoral systems may facilitate greater participation by women in the upcoming Lebanese elections.

World News

Ncube defends women’s quota selection, Zimbabwe

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Ncube defends women’s quota selection, Zimbabwe


MDC leader Professor Welshman Ncube has defended the inclusion of the party’s secretary-general Mrs Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga on the list of women’s quota under proportional representation in Matabeleland South province.

In an interview after the MDC Gwanda central district assembly in Gwanda town on Sunday, Prof Ncube said Mrs Misihairabwi-Mushonga had every right to contest in Matabeleland South as she originated from the province. He said Mrs Misihairabwi-Mushonga’s name was also brought forward by the provincial assembly.

MDC leader Professor Welshman Ncube has defended the inclusion of the party’s secretary-general Mrs Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga on the list of women’s quota under proportional representation in Matabeleland South province.

In an interview after the MDC Gwanda central district assembly in Gwanda town on Sunday, Prof Ncube said Mrs Misihairabwi-Mushonga had every right to contest in Matabeleland South as she originated from the province. He said Mrs Misihairabwi-Mushonga’s name was also brought forward by the provincial assembly.

World News

Libyan Women’s Platform for Peace issues alternate electoral law and demands inclusivness in Constitutional Assembly

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Libyan Women’s Platform for Peace issues alternate electoral law and demands inclusivness in Constitutional Assembly


In partnership with Karama, the Libyan Women’s Platform for Peace (LWPP) organized an urgent two-day consultation in Tripoli starting 6 June to address the recently-issued electoral law which will govern the selection process for the

In partnership with Karama, the Libyan Women’s Platform for Peace (LWPP) organized an urgent two-day consultation in Tripoli starting 6 June to address the recently-issued electoral law which will govern the selection process for the

World News

Women Quarter Nomination Court sits Countrywide, Zimbabwe

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Women Quarter Nomination Court sits Countrywide, Zimbabwe


The nomination court for the members of the House of Assembly, senatorial, women quarter and provincial councils has begun in different provinces of the country.

In Mashonaland East province the nomination court was officially opened by elections officer Collins Munetsi who is also presiding over the nomination process.

We invite you to read the article published June 28 by Zimbabwe Election

The nomination court for the members of the House of Assembly, senatorial, women quarter and provincial councils has begun in different provinces of the country.

In Mashonaland East province the nomination court was officially opened by elections officer Collins Munetsi who is also presiding over the nomination process.

We invite you to read the article published June 28 by Zimbabwe Election

Report of the Sub-Regional Forum on Women's Participation in Post-Revolution Parliamentary Elections

June 27, 2013

Report of the Sub-Regional Forum on Women's Participation in Post-Revolution Parliamentary Elections

This report aims at documenting the proceedings of the Sub-Regional Forum on Women’s Participation in Parliamentary Elections in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya; the three Arab countries which are going through a transition period to build democracy, since 2011, following the Arab Spring revolutions.

This report aims at documenting the proceedings of the Sub-Regional Forum on Women’s Participation in Parliamentary Elections in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya; the three Arab countries which are going through a transition period to build democracy, since 2011, following the Arab Spring revolutions.

World News

New dawn for Samoan women: Seats reserved for them next Parliament

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New dawn for Samoan women: Seats reserved for them next Parliament


From the next general elections at least five seats in  Samoan Parliament will be occupied by women.

From the next general elections at least five seats in  Samoan Parliament will be occupied by women.

Voters don’t care how women in politics look

June 24, 2013

Voters don’t care how women in politics look

Poli-Sci Perspective is a weekly Wonkblog feature in which Georgetown University’s Dan Hopkins and George Washington University’s 

Poli-Sci Perspective is a weekly Wonkblog feature in which Georgetown University’s Dan Hopkins and George Washington University’s