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Finance and Budgeting

World News

Liberia: Women optimistic of 2023 elections

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Liberia: Women optimistic of 2023 elections


The deal to upholding women’s political participation and leadership in the 2023 presidential and General elections remains elusive and daunting, as the Woman Legislative Caucus of Liberia launches a two-day workshop for women aspirants to solicit support and mobilize more women to occupy the 30 percent space allotted to them at the Legislature.

The women taught fund-raising and campaign strategies and impact of legal framework on electoral process, among others.

The deal to upholding women’s political participation and leadership in the 2023 presidential and General elections remains elusive and daunting, as the Woman Legislative Caucus of Liberia launches a two-day workshop for women aspirants to solicit support and mobilize more women to occupy the 30 percent space allotted to them at the Legislature.

The women taught fund-raising and campaign strategies and impact of legal framework on electoral process, among others.

Women’s representation in India’s parliament: Measuring progress, analysing obstacles

November 23, 2022

Women’s representation in India’s parliament: Measuring progress, analysing obstacles

Women’s representation in India’s Parliament is an important metric to evaluate progress in bridging gender inequities in the country.

Women’s representation in India’s Parliament is an important metric to evaluate progress in bridging gender inequities in the country.

World News

Côte d'Ivoire-AIP/ Women from political parties trained in Korhogo for their participation in the 2023 local elections

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Côte d'Ivoire-AIP/ Women from political parties trained in Korhogo for their participation in the 2023 local elections


Korhogo, Nov 18, 2022 (AIP)- The Coordination Committee for Women's Participation (2C2PF), began on Friday, November 18, 2022, in Korhogo, the training of 25 women with a view to their participation in the 2023 regional and municipal elections.

Korhogo, Nov 18, 2022 (AIP)- The Coordination Committee for Women's Participation (2C2PF), began on Friday, November 18, 2022, in Korhogo, the training of 25 women with a view to their participation in the 2023 regional and municipal elections.

Action kit: Engaging parliaments in gender responsive budgeting

November 9, 2022

Action kit: Engaging parliaments in gender responsive budgeting

This action kit is a practical tool for unpacking gender responsive budgeting (GRB) and engaging parliaments and parliamentarians in strengthening scrutiny and oversight of gender responsive budget formulation, execution, and evaluation.

This action kit is a practical tool for unpacking gender responsive budgeting (GRB) and engaging parliaments and parliamentarians in strengthening scrutiny and oversight of gender responsive budget formulation, execution, and evaluation.

Women’s political participation, East and Southern Africa regional office

October 21, 2022

Women’s political participation, East and Southern Africa regional office

UN Women’s East and Southern Africa programming on Governance, Leadership and Political Participation is focused on providing technical support and capacity building to Member States, civil society and regional organizations, to enable women to fully a

UN Women’s East and Southern Africa programming on Governance, Leadership and Political Participation is focused on providing technical support and capacity building to Member States, civil society and regional organizations, to enable women to fully a

World News

Nepal: Major political parties fall short to ensure gender parity in politics

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Nepal: Major political parties fall short to ensure gender parity in politics


Almost all political parties have an extremely lower ratio of women to men candidates fielded under the first-past-the-post category in the upcoming elections.

Kathmandu: The preliminary data released by the Election Commission, the country’s election management body, shows that few women are contesting in the upcoming parliamentary elections in Nepal.

Almost all political parties have an extremely lower ratio of women to men candidates fielded under the first-past-the-post category in the upcoming elections.

Kathmandu: The preliminary data released by the Election Commission, the country’s election management body, shows that few women are contesting in the upcoming parliamentary elections in Nepal.

Brazil’s ghost candidates: How politicians abuse a law meant to encourage women in politics

October 6, 2022

Brazil’s ghost candidates: How politicians abuse a law meant to encourage women in politics

Despite being 53% of eligible voters, participation of women in Brazilian politics is still much lower compared to men.

Despite being 53% of eligible voters, participation of women in Brazilian politics is still much lower compared to men.

More Black women are running for office in Brazil than ever. Can they win?

September 28, 2022

More Black women are running for office in Brazil than ever. Can they win?

Juliana Mittelbach, a 40-year-old hospital nurse from the city of Curitiba, Brazil, had long considered a career in politics until the COVID-19 crisis forced a decision. She had noticed it was “mostly Black people” who died.

Juliana Mittelbach, a 40-year-old hospital nurse from the city of Curitiba, Brazil, had long considered a career in politics until the COVID-19 crisis forced a decision. She had noticed it was “mostly Black people” who died.