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Gender Equality

World News

Ghana needs a female running mate - FIDA tells NPP, NDC

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Ghana needs a female running mate - FIDA tells NPP, NDC


The International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA-Ghana) has expressed their bitter feelings over the neglect of women in leading political roles in Ghana.

The women lawyers, speaking in an interview on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show, advocated the need and significance of having a female as Running Mate to the presidential candidates of the political parties, particularly the New Patriotic Party and National Democratic Congress.

The International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA-Ghana) has expressed their bitter feelings over the neglect of women in leading political roles in Ghana.

The women lawyers, speaking in an interview on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show, advocated the need and significance of having a female as Running Mate to the presidential candidates of the political parties, particularly the New Patriotic Party and National Democratic Congress.

World News

Nikki Haley made strides for women in politics. There’s just one problem: Trump

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Nikki Haley made strides for women in politics. There’s just one problem: Trump


NASHUA, New Hampshire — Nikki Haley has already gone further than any Republican woman before her who ran for president.

NASHUA, New Hampshire — Nikki Haley has already gone further than any Republican woman before her who ran for president.

World News

India: women's political empowerment will enhance governance and boost the economy

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India: women's political empowerment will enhance governance and boost the economy


Gender equality in politics will not only ensure fair play and accountability, but support the economy too. Women must pitch in more as voters, poll workers, candidates and lawmakers.
Gender equality in politics will not only ensure fair play and accountability, but support the economy too. Women must pitch in more as voters, poll workers, candidates and lawmakers.

The dramatic exodus of brown women from parliament is no surprise

January 22, 2024

The dramatic exodus of brown women from parliament is no surprise

There are some jobs that only particular people can do, or at least do well. It takes a certain patience and temperament to be a good teacher. You can’t be a surgeon with nervous jitters.

There are some jobs that only particular people can do, or at least do well. It takes a certain patience and temperament to be a good teacher. You can’t be a surgeon with nervous jitters.

World News

Women in politics: a global perspective on challenges and progress

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Women in politics: a global perspective on challenges and progress


In the ever-evolving world of politics, gender representation has become a pivotal conversation. From the United States to Kosovo, the struggle for women’s participation in politics, sports, entertainment, and judicial offices remains a global challenge. However, amidst these obstacles, progress is being made.

The Struggles of Women in Politics

In the ever-evolving world of politics, gender representation has become a pivotal conversation. From the United States to Kosovo, the struggle for women’s participation in politics, sports, entertainment, and judicial offices remains a global challenge. However, amidst these obstacles, progress is being made.

The Struggles of Women in Politics

World News

Reality check: How diverse is Korea really? Women in politics

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Reality check: How diverse is Korea really? Women in politics


Half of Korea's population are women, yet in the realm of politics, women are a minority group.

In the current 21st session of parliament, the representation of female lawmakers stands at 57 out of the total 300 members -- only 19.1 percent. This percentage places South Korea significantly below average in terms of gender diversity in politics compared to other nations.

Half of Korea's population are women, yet in the realm of politics, women are a minority group.

In the current 21st session of parliament, the representation of female lawmakers stands at 57 out of the total 300 members -- only 19.1 percent. This percentage places South Korea significantly below average in terms of gender diversity in politics compared to other nations.

World News

‘Dream team’: How all the EU’s top jobs could be held by women

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‘Dream team’: How all the EU’s top jobs could be held by women


There’s a scenario in which the presidents of the EU’s main institutions could all be women.

After the EU election in June, the top jobs at the European Council, the Commission and the Parliament — plus the head of the European External Action Service — will be distributed among the main political groups.

There’s a scenario in which the presidents of the EU’s main institutions could all be women.

After the EU election in June, the top jobs at the European Council, the Commission and the Parliament — plus the head of the European External Action Service — will be distributed among the main political groups.

World News

Low number of women and PWDs in Ghana’s local government system worrying

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Low number of women and PWDs in Ghana’s local government system worrying


Promoting inclusiv­ity in all aspects of governance is very necessary to spur econom­ic growth and reduce marginalisation. Howev­er, making this a reality despite many efforts by various CSOs, women-led organisations and advocates for PWDs in the country seems difficult. The trend, if not properly ad­dressed, could lead to demo­cratic deficit.

Promoting inclusiv­ity in all aspects of governance is very necessary to spur econom­ic growth and reduce marginalisation. Howev­er, making this a reality despite many efforts by various CSOs, women-led organisations and advocates for PWDs in the country seems difficult. The trend, if not properly ad­dressed, could lead to demo­cratic deficit.

World News

UN commends Tanzania for advancing women’s leadership

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UN commends Tanzania for advancing women’s leadership


DAR ES SALAAM: THE United Nations (UN) yesterday said that Tanzania has made significant progress in the advancement of women’s leadership and political participation, saying there should be a legal framework to protect women in the future to attain 50/50 thresholds in leadership.

UN Resident Coordinator, Mr Zlatan Milišić made the statement during the UN Women and Tanzania Editors Forum (TEF) meeting held in Dar es Salaam.

DAR ES SALAAM: THE United Nations (UN) yesterday said that Tanzania has made significant progress in the advancement of women’s leadership and political participation, saying there should be a legal framework to protect women in the future to attain 50/50 thresholds in leadership.

UN Resident Coordinator, Mr Zlatan Milišić made the statement during the UN Women and Tanzania Editors Forum (TEF) meeting held in Dar es Salaam.