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Gender Equality

Voices of women and girls essential to fight for human rights

November 25, 2022

Voices of women and girls essential to fight for human rights

“Around the world, we see stigmatization, harassment and outright attacks used to silence and discredit women who are outspoken as leaders, community workers, human rights defenders and politicians,” said Peggy Hicks, Director of the Thematic Engagement, Special Proce

“Around the world, we see stigmatization, harassment and outright attacks used to silence and discredit women who are outspoken as leaders, community workers, human rights defenders and politicians,” said Peggy Hicks, Director of the Thematic Engagement, Special Proce

The blame game: Analyzing gender bias in Danish local elections

November 25, 2022

The blame game: Analyzing gender bias in Danish local elections

Diagnosing women’s under-representation in electoral politics often involves a “blame game,” seeking to identify the primary factor responsible for depressing the share of women among candidates as well as elected officials.

Diagnosing women’s under-representation in electoral politics often involves a “blame game,” seeking to identify the primary factor responsible for depressing the share of women among candidates as well as elected officials.

Ireland: Women's voices in the Council's Chamber

November 24, 2022

Ireland: Women's voices in the Council's Chamber

UCC research, carried out on behalf of Cork City Council’s Women’s Caucus, has recommended that gender quota legislation be introduced before the next local government elections to help increase the number of female councillors around the country. 

UCC research, carried out on behalf of Cork City Council’s Women’s Caucus, has recommended that gender quota legislation be introduced before the next local government elections to help increase the number of female councillors around the country. 

Gender equality in public administration: Where are the women in environmental and climate change ministries?

November 24, 2022

Gender equality in public administration: Where are the women in environmental and climate change ministries?

Building on the data in the global report on Gender Equality in Public Administration (GEPA), this policy brief looks at women's participation in and leadership of

Building on the data in the global report on Gender Equality in Public Administration (GEPA), this policy brief looks at women's participation in and leadership of

Quantifying gender biases towards politicians on Reddit

November 24, 2022

Quantifying gender biases towards politicians on Reddit

increase gender parity in politics, global efforts have struggled to ensure equal female representation. This is likely tied to implicit gender biases against women in authority.

increase gender parity in politics, global efforts have struggled to ensure equal female representation. This is likely tied to implicit gender biases against women in authority.

World News

Gender equality: The EU is breaking the glass ceiling thanks to new gender balance targets on company boards

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Gender equality: The EU is breaking the glass ceiling thanks to new gender balance targets on company boards


Today, the European Parliament has formally adopted the new EU law on gender balance on corporate boards. By 2026, companies will need to have 40% of the underrepresented sex among non-executive directors or 33% among all directors.

On this occasion, President von der Leyen together with Vice-President Jourová and Commissioner Dalli issued the following statement:

Today, the European Parliament has formally adopted the new EU law on gender balance on corporate boards. By 2026, companies will need to have 40% of the underrepresented sex among non-executive directors or 33% among all directors.

On this occasion, President von der Leyen together with Vice-President Jourová and Commissioner Dalli issued the following statement:

Women’s representation in India’s parliament: Measuring progress, analysing obstacles

November 23, 2022

Women’s representation in India’s parliament: Measuring progress, analysing obstacles

Women’s representation in India’s Parliament is an important metric to evaluate progress in bridging gender inequities in the country.

Women’s representation in India’s Parliament is an important metric to evaluate progress in bridging gender inequities in the country.

Malaysia: More political will required to meet 30% women candidates quota

November 22, 2022

Malaysia: More political will required to meet 30% women candidates quota

PETALING JAYA: Although women outnumber men in the electoral roll, they only make up 13.5% of candidates in the 15th General Election (GE15).

PETALING JAYA: Although women outnumber men in the electoral roll, they only make up 13.5% of candidates in the 15th General Election (GE15).

Moving towards the Gender Equality Index Bosnia and Herzegovina 2022

November 22, 2022

Moving towards the Gender Equality Index Bosnia and Herzegovina 2022

The Gender Equality Index developed by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) in 2013, is recognised in the European Union as an important tool for analysing the state of gender equality in a society as well as comparing current trends and the current situa

The Gender Equality Index developed by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) in 2013, is recognised in the European Union as an important tool for analysing the state of gender equality in a society as well as comparing current trends and the current situa