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ICTs and Women’s Political Participation

ICTs can be potentially used to foster wider political participation. Look here for inspiration and examples of how women around the world used ICTs to change their societies.



World News

BRIDGE Project Encourages Women's Voting in Haiti

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BRIDGE Project Encourages Women's Voting in Haiti


Sixteen years ago the BRIDGE –Building Resources in Democracy, Governance and Elections– project was initiated. This is a joint initiative between the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC). The BRIDGE project has four main objectives:

Sixteen years ago the BRIDGE –Building Resources in Democracy, Governance and Elections– project was initiated. This is a joint initiative between the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC). The BRIDGE project has four main objectives:

World News

Egyptian women take to social media to expose harassers

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Egyptian women take to social media to expose harassers


Egyptian women have been using a number of hashtags — among them #Idon’tFeelSafeOnTheStreet, #AntiHarassment and #ExposeHarasser — on social networking sites to speak up about the daily sexual harassment they experience. These campaigns are part of an effort to expose harassers and break the silence surrounding their crimes, which are haunting women in Egypt. Women have tweeted myriad incidents along with advocating the courage to expose and confront harassers.  

Egyptian women have been using a number of hashtags — among them #Idon’tFeelSafeOnTheStreet, #AntiHarassment and #ExposeHarasser — on social networking sites to speak up about the daily sexual harassment they experience. These campaigns are part of an effort to expose harassers and break the silence surrounding their crimes, which are haunting women in Egypt. Women have tweeted myriad incidents along with advocating the courage to expose and confront harassers.  

World News

World News

Female president will solve Ghana’s problems — Dr Baah

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Female president will solve Ghana’s problems — Dr Baah


The Deputy General Secretary of the Trade Union Congress (TUC), Dr Yaw Baah, has said that the country’s economic problems could be solved when a female is elected as the president.

“If you want Ghana to develop, make a woman the president," he said, adding that “corruption will go down if we have many female ministers.”

Dr Baah made the call during the closing ceremony of a five-day capacity building workshop organised by the TUC for 50 of its staff members from all districts in the Brong Ahafo Region.

The Deputy General Secretary of the Trade Union Congress (TUC), Dr Yaw Baah, has said that the country’s economic problems could be solved when a female is elected as the president.

“If you want Ghana to develop, make a woman the president," he said, adding that “corruption will go down if we have many female ministers.”

Dr Baah made the call during the closing ceremony of a five-day capacity building workshop organised by the TUC for 50 of its staff members from all districts in the Brong Ahafo Region.

Summary of E-Discussion “Can young people break the socio-cultural and institutional barriers for women in politics?”

September 9, 2014

Summary of E-Discussion “Can young people break the socio-cultural and institutional barriers for women in politics?”

Summary of E-Discussion “Can young people break the socio-cultural and institutional barriers for women in politics?”



Summary of E-Discussion “Can young people break the socio-cultural and institutional barriers for women in politics?”



World News

Feisty, flounce and bossy: the words used to put women down

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Feisty, flounce and bossy: the words used to put women down


Photo-Andrew Stocks/The Guardian

Do you ever hear men described as ‘hysterical’? Do people say they ‘whine’ or ‘nag’? Thought not. Here are eight sexist words we’d like to never hear from again

Photo-Andrew Stocks/The Guardian

Do you ever hear men described as ‘hysterical’? Do people say they ‘whine’ or ‘nag’? Thought not. Here are eight sexist words we’d like to never hear from again

World News

World News

Shaping the agenda, youth march forward

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Shaping the agenda, youth march forward


Photo-UN Women/Marco Dormino

Today 1.8 billion adolescents make up the largest youth generation in history – and they are stirring nations and raising their voices! The challenges faced by young women and girls in particular are making headlines and spurring change around the world. As the UN marks International Youth Day on 12 August, throughout this month UN Women puts a spotlight on their struggles, strategies and achievements in a special In Focus package.

Photo-UN Women/Marco Dormino

Today 1.8 billion adolescents make up the largest youth generation in history – and they are stirring nations and raising their voices! The challenges faced by young women and girls in particular are making headlines and spurring change around the world. As the UN marks International Youth Day on 12 August, throughout this month UN Women puts a spotlight on their struggles, strategies and achievements in a special In Focus package.