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Local Government

Local governments are in a unique position to contribute to the global struggle for gender equality by improving the status of women around the world. Local Governments are the level of governance closest to the citizens and as service providers and employers have an important role in creating the conditions that encourage women’s political participation. In this special feature, we are collecting knowledge resources, case studies, stories and interviews from women active in local politics.  

World News

Nigeria: Politics Ex-minister speaks on women in politics

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Nigeria: Politics Ex-minister speaks on women in politics


A former minister of aviation and the founder/chairperson of Women Leadership Institute (WLI), Dr. Kema Chikwe, has underscored the need to remove institutional, economic, cultural and political impediments to women participation in politics.

Dr. Chikwe who spoke in Abuja at the weekend at the inaugural conference and official launch of WLI, reiterated the call for gender mainstreaming to boost women participation in the decision making process.

A former minister of aviation and the founder/chairperson of Women Leadership Institute (WLI), Dr. Kema Chikwe, has underscored the need to remove institutional, economic, cultural and political impediments to women participation in politics.

Dr. Chikwe who spoke in Abuja at the weekend at the inaugural conference and official launch of WLI, reiterated the call for gender mainstreaming to boost women participation in the decision making process.

World News

Nigerian Body designs curriculum to prepare women for leadership

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Nigerian Body designs curriculum to prepare women for leadership


A group, under the auspices of the Women Leadership Institute (WLI), has designed a curriculum to help neutralise African society’s perception about women’s participation in leadership. 

A group, under the auspices of the Women Leadership Institute (WLI), has designed a curriculum to help neutralise African society’s perception about women’s participation in leadership. 

World News

Stakeholders lament declining Nigerian women participation in governance

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Stakeholders lament declining Nigerian women participation in governance


Barely eight months to the 2019 general election, stakeholders have expressed dismay at the declining rate of women participation in public service.

Speakers at the annual law week of International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA), at Nigeria Institute of International Affairs, Victoria Island, Lagos; concluded that there is need to create women caucuses, stressing that that could encourage International Organisations to amplify and recognise the voices of female legislators.

Barely eight months to the 2019 general election, stakeholders have expressed dismay at the declining rate of women participation in public service.

Speakers at the annual law week of International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA), at Nigeria Institute of International Affairs, Victoria Island, Lagos; concluded that there is need to create women caucuses, stressing that that could encourage International Organisations to amplify and recognise the voices of female legislators.

World News

Women participation in politics, crucial to life of Nigeria

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Women participation in politics, crucial to life of Nigeria


The UK Deputy High Commissioner to Nigeria Laure Beaufils, facilitated a brainstorming conversation with a diverse array of Nigeria stakeholders on barriers to women’s participation in politics.

The UK Deputy High Commissioner to Nigeria Laure Beaufils, facilitated a brainstorming conversation with a diverse array of Nigeria stakeholders on barriers to women’s participation in politics.

World News

Tunisia's capital elects first female mayor

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Tunisia's capital elects first female mayor


Souad Abderrahim is from Tunisia's moderate Islamic party, which advocates for separating politics from religion.

TUNIS, Tunisia — A woman from Tunisia's moderate Islamic party was elected on Tuesday as mayor of the capital city, Tunis, the first time a woman holds the post.

Souad Abderrahim is from Tunisia's moderate Islamic party, which advocates for separating politics from religion.

TUNIS, Tunisia — A woman from Tunisia's moderate Islamic party was elected on Tuesday as mayor of the capital city, Tunis, the first time a woman holds the post.

World News

Call for parties to publish gender breakdown of candidates in UK

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Call for parties to publish gender breakdown of candidates in UK


Political parties should be required to publish details of their election candidates by gender to highlight the "shameful" gap in numbers between men and women, campaigners are arguing.

The Centenary Action Group, which wants equal representation in Parliament, said a lack of information meant it was harder to hold parties to account.

They say ministers are able to force compliance under the 2010 Equality Act.

Political parties should be required to publish details of their election candidates by gender to highlight the "shameful" gap in numbers between men and women, campaigners are arguing.

The Centenary Action Group, which wants equal representation in Parliament, said a lack of information meant it was harder to hold parties to account.

They say ministers are able to force compliance under the 2010 Equality Act.

World News

Mexico city: Claudia Sheinbaum to become first elected woman mayor, succeeding Obrador

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Mexico city: Claudia Sheinbaum to become first elected woman mayor, succeeding Obrador


The 56-year-old had served as environmental secretary under Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador when he was mayor. With Obrador confirmed as winner of the presidential election, it's the first time the two roles have been taken by members of the same party.

In 2014, Sheinbaum left the left-wing Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) and joined Lopez Obrador’s Moreno Party.

The 56-year-old had served as environmental secretary under Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador when he was mayor. With Obrador confirmed as winner of the presidential election, it's the first time the two roles have been taken by members of the same party.

In 2014, Sheinbaum left the left-wing Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) and joined Lopez Obrador’s Moreno Party.

The boot camp building a new cohort of female leaders in Latin America

June 29, 2018

The boot camp building a new cohort of female leaders in Latin America

In Latin America, a boot camp for high-potential women in the public sector aims to break the male hold on political decision-making by creating a new generation of female leaders.

In Latin America, a boot camp for high-potential women in the public sector aims to break the male hold on political decision-making by creating a new generation of female leaders.