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Local Government

Local governments are in a unique position to contribute to the global struggle for gender equality by improving the status of women around the world. Local Governments are the level of governance closest to the citizens and as service providers and employers have an important role in creating the conditions that encourage women’s political participation. In this special feature, we are collecting knowledge resources, case studies, stories and interviews from women active in local politics.  

World News

Female representation in politics remains “strikingly low” in Myanmar

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Female representation in politics remains “strikingly low” in Myanmar


Female lawmakers, in a country where women make up 52 percent of the population, account for around 10pc of the overall MPs in both the national and regional legislatures.

Female lawmakers, in a country where women make up 52 percent of the population, account for around 10pc of the overall MPs in both the national and regional legislatures.

World News

Nigeria: Female PDP aspirant makes case for woman president

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Nigeria: Female PDP aspirant makes case for woman president


As the 2019 election is approaching, more women are beginning to express interest in contesting the presidential election on different political platforms.

One of such women, Princess Oyenike Oyedele Roberts, who recently expressed willingness to run for the apex political post in the country on the platform of the major opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), said Nigeria would do better under the leadership of a female president.

As the 2019 election is approaching, more women are beginning to express interest in contesting the presidential election on different political platforms.

One of such women, Princess Oyenike Oyedele Roberts, who recently expressed willingness to run for the apex political post in the country on the platform of the major opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), said Nigeria would do better under the leadership of a female president.

World News

Zimbabwe: Commission slams attacks on women politicians

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Zimbabwe: Commission slams attacks on women politicians


The Zimbabwe Gender Commission (ZGC) yesterday expressed concern over attacks on female politicians in the country, which has manifested in many forms, including psychological violence.

A case in point being the attempted murder of MDC-T president Dr Thokozani Khupe by MDC Chamisa faction supporters at the burial of party founding president Mr Morgan Tsvangirai in Buhera in February; and the subsequent verbal abuse she was subjected to in her tussle for leadership of the party.

The Zimbabwe Gender Commission (ZGC) yesterday expressed concern over attacks on female politicians in the country, which has manifested in many forms, including psychological violence.

A case in point being the attempted murder of MDC-T president Dr Thokozani Khupe by MDC Chamisa faction supporters at the burial of party founding president Mr Morgan Tsvangirai in Buhera in February; and the subsequent verbal abuse she was subjected to in her tussle for leadership of the party.

World News

INEC in Abuja decries low participation of women in politics

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INEC in Abuja decries low participation of women in politics


The Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC has decried low participation of women in political processes.

The Commission said despite the fact that women constitute 48 percent of the population, only 5.8 percent  of them hold political offices.

The Commission also revealed that since the commencement of CVR in 2017, only 1,362,293 women have registered compared to men who have 1,560,823 registration.

The Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC has decried low participation of women in political processes.

The Commission said despite the fact that women constitute 48 percent of the population, only 5.8 percent  of them hold political offices.

The Commission also revealed that since the commencement of CVR in 2017, only 1,362,293 women have registered compared to men who have 1,560,823 registration.

World News

Zimbabwe: Women bear brunt of violence in politics

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Zimbabwe: Women bear brunt of violence in politics


Former MDC-T deputy president Thokozani Khupe in February spent most of Morgan Tsvangirai’s funeral holed up in a hut, fearing for her life, as party youths threatened her with violence.

That same month, Zanu PF’s Zalerah Makari, the Epworth National Assembly member, escaped death by a whisker when thugs pelted her with stones while campaigning.

Former MDC-T deputy president Thokozani Khupe in February spent most of Morgan Tsvangirai’s funeral holed up in a hut, fearing for her life, as party youths threatened her with violence.

That same month, Zanu PF’s Zalerah Makari, the Epworth National Assembly member, escaped death by a whisker when thugs pelted her with stones while campaigning.


Ruth Mandel

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June 14, 2018

Ruth Mandel

Co-founder of the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University.
Co-founder of the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University.
Co-founder of the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University.

World News

Solomon Islands: Practice parliament for women to level the playing field for women’s political participation

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Solomon Islands: Practice parliament for women to level the playing field for women’s political participation


As a response to gender norms that continue to work against women’s entry into politics, 50 women across the eight provinces of the Solomon Islands are currently gathered in Honiara for the Second Practice Parliament for Women.

According to the International Parliamentary Union (IPU), these gender norms lay stronger emphasis on women’s role in the unpaid, domestic sphere.

As a response to gender norms that continue to work against women’s entry into politics, 50 women across the eight provinces of the Solomon Islands are currently gathered in Honiara for the Second Practice Parliament for Women.

According to the International Parliamentary Union (IPU), these gender norms lay stronger emphasis on women’s role in the unpaid, domestic sphere.


World News

US: Record numbers of women are running, but how many can win?

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US: Record numbers of women are running, but how many can win?


With primary season underway and a record number of women on ballots nationwide, the question now is how many will make it to office after elections in November. The reality is that many of the women running face long odds.

Of the 40 women who have advanced from primaries in Solid Republican districts, 37 of them are Democrats, and may have the odds stacked against them.

With primary season underway and a record number of women on ballots nationwide, the question now is how many will make it to office after elections in November. The reality is that many of the women running face long odds.

Of the 40 women who have advanced from primaries in Solid Republican districts, 37 of them are Democrats, and may have the odds stacked against them.