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Local Government

Local governments are in a unique position to contribute to the global struggle for gender equality by improving the status of women around the world. Local Governments are the level of governance closest to the citizens and as service providers and employers have an important role in creating the conditions that encourage women’s political participation. In this special feature, we are collecting knowledge resources, case studies, stories and interviews from women active in local politics.  

Women and Local Democracy - Lessons from Central America

May 21, 2009

Women and Local Democracy - Lessons from Central America

This publication draws together the experiences and lessons learnt by Central American women working on promoting gender equity in local government.

This publication draws together the experiences and lessons learnt by Central American women working on promoting gender equity in local government.

Promoting Gender Equity in Local Governance – a Toolkit

May 21, 2009

Promoting Gender Equity in Local Governance – a Toolkit

This report describes lessons learned from the implementation of gender equity policies in some Latin American countries and provides recommendations on how to hold successful advocacy campaigns.

This report describes lessons learned from the implementation of gender equity policies in some Latin American countries and provides recommendations on how to hold successful advocacy campaigns.

A Study of the San Salvador Municipal Gender Equity Policy

May 21, 2009

A Study of the San Salvador Municipal Gender Equity Policy

This report describes the objectives and strategies of the San Salvador gender equity policy and its impact on women.

This report describes the objectives and strategies of the San Salvador gender equity policy and its impact on women.

Quick Entry Points to Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality in Democratic Governance Clusters

May 13, 2009

Quick Entry Points to Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality in Democratic Governance Clusters

This paper explores some of most common questions on gender and develops a human rights-based approach to practical tools for democratic governance practitioners in terms of gender programming per Cluster.

This paper explores some of most common questions on gender and develops a human rights-based approach to practical tools for democratic governance practitioners in terms of gender programming per Cluster.

Democratic Governance: The Missing Millennium Development Goal

May 11, 2009

Democratic Governance: The Missing Millennium Development Goal

This leaflet includes information about One World Action's programs in promoting women in politics and provides recommendations to governments, donors and civil society organizations on their work for promoting women in politics.

This leaflet includes information about One World Action's programs in promoting women in politics and provides recommendations to governments, donors and civil society organizations on their work for promoting women in politics.

Profile of Women Elected to Local Governments in Latin America

February 18, 2009

Profile of Women Elected to Local Governments in Latin America

This consolidated response is based on the contributions of iKNOW Politics Experts and a complementary research done by the iKNOW Politics team on the profile of women elected to local governments in Latin America.

This consolidated response is based on the contributions of iKNOW Politics Experts and a complementary research done by the iKNOW Politics team on the profile of women elected to local governments in Latin America.

Women’s Participation in Local Governments

January 23, 2009

Women’s Participation in Local Governments

This consolidated response analyzes current situation of women’s participation in local governments around the world and discusses the impact of women’s engagement in local politics.

This consolidated response analyzes current situation of women’s participation in local governments around the world and discusses the impact of women’s engagement in local politics.

Decentralization, Local Power and Women’s Rights: Global Trends in Participation, Representation and Access to Public Services

January 19, 2009

Decentralization, Local Power and Women’s Rights: Global Trends in Participation, Representation and Access to Public Services

This summary report outlines the main outcomes of the IDRC sponsored conference on Women's Political Participation and Access to Basic Services in the Context of Decentralization.

This summary report outlines the main outcomes of the IDRC sponsored conference on Women's Political Participation and Access to Basic Services in the Context of Decentralization.

UNIFEM Annual Report 2007–2008

September 18, 2008

UNIFEM Annual Report 2007–2008

This report highlights UNIFEM's work to empower women in economic and public spheres, including achieving gender equality in democratic governance.

This report highlights UNIFEM's work to empower women in economic and public spheres, including achieving gender equality in democratic governance.